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Would I be mad to buy a 5 acre field?


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  • #31
    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
    If you were going to incorporate a meadow you would probably need a small tractor and topper for cutting it. You would need to be able to store these as well. If you had the idea that it would just grow 'Au natural' it would possibly become a fire risk in the summer.

    When buying a house, a solicitor does a 'search' on the land to make sure there are no covenants on the land or they are not going to run a six lane motorway through it for instance so a solicitor could be required?

    I also think NOG has a very pertinent point about land rates which needs looking in to. I also wonder why the land is for sale? Is the seller selling off just a small portion of their land to realise a bit of capital?

    If you do go ahead with it I must admit I really envy you and would love to here how you get on with it.

    Good luck and I hope all goes well for you!
    Good point about the meadow. I did realise it'd need cutting a couple of times a year or grazing, but hadn't put too much thought into it beyond that. Maybe a farmer will chop it in exchange for keeping the hay/straw. Or could I hire it out for grazing? Failing that, I'll just keep it to a modest size and get handy with the scythe!

    I've no idea about the process of buying land yet, but I'd assumed/hoped a solicitor would be involved.

    Yes, the rates thing is a real worry and potential show stopper. I'll have to find out more about that.

    I've no idea why it's for sale. It's one of 3 lots (acres in total) surrounding the village. the other 2 are much bigger/more expensive. Farmer retiring, or passed away maybe. I'll have to get down the local and tap into the village gossip network.

    Thanks for the good wishes. Time will tell, but my fingers are crossed. Just do it if you want to.. "Why the hell not....hey!"
    Last edited by BFG; 16-06-2009, 11:03 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by shoreham_steve View Post
      Crazy? Totally barking, BFG - but don't let that stop you, go for it if it feels right and good luck to you.
      lol. Thanks.
      Last edited by BFG; 16-06-2009, 10:58 PM.


      • #33
        Havant Borough Council > Business > Business Rates > 16. Exemptions and Relief - this might relieve your worries about rates.


        • #34
          I didn't realise it was such a thug Hilary. I'll reconsider it in the garden and not let it anywhere near the countryside if I get the land.
          Last edited by BFG; 16-06-2009, 11:06 PM.


          • #35
            I'm going to ring in the morning and take it from there. I shouldn't really have got my hopes up before I've confirmed things like access and rates.

            Thanks for all the advice. I'll let you know what happens...


            • #36
              On agricultural land there are no rates paid for land or agricultural buildings, only domestic living quarters.


              • #37
                Nice one Tam. Only just spotted your post. That's brill!!

                That was the one major concern so far.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                  Just keep in mind that establishing woodland/trees isn't as straightforward as it might seem - my dad has been trying to do similar on his land for many years now and I've lost count of the number he's planted and lost. Apparently this is quite normal! He's only planted about half an acre (maybe three quarters at the most), and has planted near a thousand trees. Not much more than a third of them are still there, although that includes conifers planted as wind protection that have since been felled.
                  You should thoroughly investigate the cost of establishing woodland, before you rush into anything...

                  I hope this doesn't come across as too doom laden but I know how much it's cost Dad, and how much work he's put into it.
                  Just rereading through and trying to take everything in. 1000 trees on 3/4 of an acre? Wow. I thought acres weren't actually as big as they sound (if that makes any sense), but maybe I'm underestimating the space with those figures.
                  Last edited by BFG; 16-06-2009, 11:41 PM.


                  • #39
                    A couple of other things - is there or has there been any public rights of way across the land, and are there any access issues to any drainage that may have been laid through the land - and if it is spanned by roads, what is the likelihood of road widening and compulsory purchase/access for any works.

                    Sorry, just came to me whilst I was in the bath. Don't ask


                    • #40
                      I think you posted the wrong quote - but Sarz may have been referring to the fact that alot have died so have needed replanting.


                      • #41
                        No roads.

                        Here's what it says about the rights of way etc:-

                        "Wayleaves, easements and rights of way The property is being sold
                        subject to and with the benefit of all rights including; rights of way,
                        whether public or private, light, sport, drainage, water and electricity
                        supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and quasieasements
                        and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed
                        wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains, water and gas
                        and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not.

                        VAT Any guide prices quoted or discussed are exclusive of VAT.
                        In the event that a sale of the property or any lot or part of the
                        property or entitlements become a chargeable supply for the
                        purposes of VAT, such tax will be payable (or become payable by
                        the purchaser) in addition to the purchase price."

                        Anybody care to translate? Is that just standard, all bases covered spiel or does it actually mean something about this plot?

                        I'd forgotten about the VAT thing. That'd be a pain! What the hell is a chargeable supply for the purposes of VAT? Do I have to pay it? (I suspect I'm going to be disappointed).

                        I've update that quote. Thanks.
                        Last edited by BFG; 16-06-2009, 11:53 PM.


                        • #42
                          Hi BFG, sounds like a great idea. Reading through the posts made me compare it with the field my D&SIL have with their property in Wiltshire. Another item you will have to cope with will be your boundary fencing, particularly if you consider renting part of it for grazing. You will need to ascertain which fences you will be responsible for and have some idea of the cost.
                          I really love the idea of what you are wanting to do though.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
                            There is nothing to stop you making an offer, unless you think someone else might make a better one. Soil type is SO important, because it determines what the land is suited to.
                            What crops has the farmer been in the habit of growing, and why is he selling that field????

                            I think the best I'll be able to do is seem mildly interested and suss out the agents desperation/keeness levels and find out about other interest, urgency of sale, willingness to take offers etc and then play it by ear.

                            I'm going to be really miffed if it's gone now. Er... Not that I'm going to do anything reckless or rash or anything! Honest.

                            I've no idea about the crops or the sale reason (as mentioned in another reply, it's part of 3 lots totaling 100 acres). I think I'll just going to take my chances and deal with whatever I have to deal with.

                            Unless there's anything that would be completely disastrous?


                            • #44
                              Thanks Lottieval. It's already got a hedge round most of it. I'd probably just add to and improve that. Though I guess that's another machinery job at some point. Presumably whoever owns the adjoining fields would keep their side in check at least and I could maybe just leave the res.

                              I'm going to try not to think too much about the practicalities until It actually happens. I'll end up getting too excited and disappointed if it's already gone or whatever.


                              • #45
                                Re: VAT

                                Vat on property is a bit of a funny area - certainly with rents, you can elect to be vat liable or not, as I understand it. It's worth a quick phone call in the morning to the VAT office to check the state of play.


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