I have a large head (cue sniggers), and found it difficult in the past to find a helmet that fits. The one I have (Specialised) just about fits, but doesn't "fit" properly - it sits making contact with only the front and back of my head, not "all round" as advised.
However, when I used to cycle quite a lot I used to mainly go out on the country bridle paths and single track, only occasionally venturing into the roads.
On one particular occasion I was flying along a little single track at a rate of knots when I noticed a low branch up ahead just in time to duck.
Unfortunately I didn't duck quite far enough.
Now you could argue that without the helmet on I would have ducked far enough, but looking at the helmet afterwards I'm glad I was wearing it at the time - I think at the very least I would have taken a decent sized chunk out of my head.
However, when I used to cycle quite a lot I used to mainly go out on the country bridle paths and single track, only occasionally venturing into the roads.
On one particular occasion I was flying along a little single track at a rate of knots when I noticed a low branch up ahead just in time to duck.
Unfortunately I didn't duck quite far enough.
Now you could argue that without the helmet on I would have ducked far enough, but looking at the helmet afterwards I'm glad I was wearing it at the time - I think at the very least I would have taken a decent sized chunk out of my head.