Sorry this isn't a garden related thread to all of those that are interested!!!!
I've been ill for over a year now.
last May i woke up in one morning with a pain in my thigh and its still there but now i have pain in my lower back and in my bum!!!
I've had lots and lots of tests, 2 MRI scans, xrays and blood tests galore, to try and find out whats wrong with me but they can't seem to find out whats a matter. At one point they thought i needed a new hip but has i'm only 29 years old they did extra tests and found that i didn't thank god! Even had 2 Occupatinal threapists come to the house to see how i would be when i had the op!!!
Had a really bad week last week i went to the hospital on wednesday to the pain clinic and when i got there to see the specailist i had a total shock...
He told me that he thought that i've got Spina Bifda and touch something in my back and since then i've had tremandous pain and i've cried every day. That was a total shock to me and to say i was shocked was an under statement.
i've got to go in the hospital on the 9th of July to have a Sacro - iliac Joint injection under Xray control and also a Facet joint injections under x ray guidance.
Of course i've not been able to work during this time so i've been off sick.
So that was wednesday and on thursday i had a meeting with work and when i got there they said to me that because i had been off for the amount of time that i had they were finishing me on ill health.
Which i was very disappointed at as i loved my job. I worked in Evans Clothes shop for the larger lady and i loved it, i loved to help the woman that came in the shop and i also like the others bits too. I liked the back of house and merchandising the clothes, and i also used to make mood boards of all of the current trends, for the current seasons and i'd been prasied about them from the very top man himseld Sir Phillip Green!!
i've worked for the company 7 years and before i went off ill i was having training and in house training to go further in the company.
So i had a very bad week and in my garden we had to pull up our spinach has that had bolted and was producing flowers and i had put some onions sets and garlic in and they hadn't grown at all since we had put them in so i was very disppointed with them.
To be honest i've not been able to do much in the garden has i've been very ill and in lots of pain recently, which i'm very disappointed with, cos last year it was my place to relax and get away from everything and i took up gardening has a way to think of not being ill all of the time and a way of realease for me.
But this year i've not been able to do much at all, and i'd got really good plans for it too, but at least my other half has totally redone our back garden, and now i can now sit in the garden and relax and not see rubbish!!!
Sorry for my little moan but i do feel abit better for having this and writing it all down.
i just want a day when i can say that i feel 100% well and i can be my old self again, but i can always wish can't i.
I've been ill for over a year now.
last May i woke up in one morning with a pain in my thigh and its still there but now i have pain in my lower back and in my bum!!!
I've had lots and lots of tests, 2 MRI scans, xrays and blood tests galore, to try and find out whats wrong with me but they can't seem to find out whats a matter. At one point they thought i needed a new hip but has i'm only 29 years old they did extra tests and found that i didn't thank god! Even had 2 Occupatinal threapists come to the house to see how i would be when i had the op!!!
Had a really bad week last week i went to the hospital on wednesday to the pain clinic and when i got there to see the specailist i had a total shock...
He told me that he thought that i've got Spina Bifda and touch something in my back and since then i've had tremandous pain and i've cried every day. That was a total shock to me and to say i was shocked was an under statement.
i've got to go in the hospital on the 9th of July to have a Sacro - iliac Joint injection under Xray control and also a Facet joint injections under x ray guidance.
Of course i've not been able to work during this time so i've been off sick.
So that was wednesday and on thursday i had a meeting with work and when i got there they said to me that because i had been off for the amount of time that i had they were finishing me on ill health.
Which i was very disappointed at as i loved my job. I worked in Evans Clothes shop for the larger lady and i loved it, i loved to help the woman that came in the shop and i also like the others bits too. I liked the back of house and merchandising the clothes, and i also used to make mood boards of all of the current trends, for the current seasons and i'd been prasied about them from the very top man himseld Sir Phillip Green!!
i've worked for the company 7 years and before i went off ill i was having training and in house training to go further in the company.
So i had a very bad week and in my garden we had to pull up our spinach has that had bolted and was producing flowers and i had put some onions sets and garlic in and they hadn't grown at all since we had put them in so i was very disppointed with them.
To be honest i've not been able to do much in the garden has i've been very ill and in lots of pain recently, which i'm very disappointed with, cos last year it was my place to relax and get away from everything and i took up gardening has a way to think of not being ill all of the time and a way of realease for me.
But this year i've not been able to do much at all, and i'd got really good plans for it too, but at least my other half has totally redone our back garden, and now i can now sit in the garden and relax and not see rubbish!!!
Sorry for my little moan but i do feel abit better for having this and writing it all down.
i just want a day when i can say that i feel 100% well and i can be my old self again, but i can always wish can't i.