Is anyone going this year? I went last year and it was brilliant.
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Hampton Court Flower Show
I want to - but it is a bit far.................
Although ryanair have cheap flights.
Damn, just checked - they're not so cheap anymore. Was 30 euros return last time I looked. It's 100 euros now.
So I won't be going after all.Tx
Originally posted by NOG View PostI hate these shows People go cos its the place to go not because they have any interest.
IMO most people are there through their interest in gardening, not becuase it's the place to be seen.
sorry for resurrecting an older thread, but ITS TODAY!!!!!......I'm so excited to be going....i have 3 camera batteries, 4 1GB memory cards and some money, and i'll be off soon to get from the top of NE London, to the bottom of SW London!!.
I went to the show on Wednesday.
It definitely reflected the recession. Less show gardens, less water and many regular exhibitors absent. The Daily Mail tent was gone and fewer exhibits from overseas. Even garden marginalia such as lighting and irrigation was on the thin side although if you wanted to buy a Bahay Kubo (nipa hut) there was plenty more choice. Saying that the floral marquee was an absolute wonder with a wealth of top class displays worthy of their gold medals and the Karst garden from Slovenia was spot on with faultless attention to detail deserving its 'best small garden' award.
well i'm back now....
Rana, what you say is interesting.....this was my first time at a big flower show, and i have to say i came away disappointed. i felt it was more a big retail experience than a garden inspiration the top of my head, nothing made me go wow!. i will have to check back thru the photos tho, cos i am shattered, sore and blistered!!!.
i have photos, so i will select a few, resize them and add them to the thread.
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