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Argh! Rant!


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  • Argh! Rant!

    I'm so frustrated... I haven't been on here in so long because things keep going wrong!

    Our garden is still flooding, the field that we plan to have the veg beds in is surprisingly well drained, but we have to wade through the lawn to get to it, so can't mow or plough it until it drains away. We have a drainage ditch (dyke) down the side of our land, but that is almost full.

    I did managed to clear one of the beds in the garden and plant loads of spring bulbs in it: alliums, tulips, daffs etc, but after some pretty horrible rain, they all floated to the top of the soil.

    First our central heating broke and we eventually could afford to fix it, and that was cool because suddenly the house was warm, but...

    Late last night water started leaking from the bathroom light fitting, so Mr OWG went into the loft and found a leak from one of the water tanks that we have up there (apparantly this means it's a fairly old-fashioned system). We couldn't see the leak and didn't really know what to do, so got a plumber out this morning.

    He's drained the whole system (tanks, central heating etc) and had to un-plumb the tanks, manhandle both of them through the loft hatch, through the bedroom, down the stairs and outside. He has found hairline cracks in both of them, so we'll need both replacing

    God knows how much this is going to cost. Although we can't really afford it, we have to get it done, as otherwise we've no hot water/heating!

    The only thing I can take solace in at the moment is going through my seed catalogues and noting down my order. I made a little chart to compare prices with and will be placing my order split between about 3/4 companies.

    I'm cheating a bit with some of the stuff as its my first year growing and am getting both seeds and plants, so I can try and germinate some of my own, but will have a head start with the plants

    If you've got this far... thanks and sorry for off-loading on you all!


  • #2
    Oh dear OWG!! You have not had much luck lately have you??? At least the plumber could get the tanks out of the loft. When our neighbours tank burst they had to have a hole cut in the ceiling because the loft hatch was so small.

    Your luck is due to change - buy a lottery ticket on Saturday. You never know!!


    • #3
      What a nightmare! I hope things get better for you and it's not as costly as you might think.


      • #4
        OWG that is simply awful. Let us know if we can do anything to help, seeds and things. Just being able to off-load helps. I sincerely hope things get better for you soon.
        Bright Blessings

        If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


        • #5
          What a shame OWG. There just seems to be times when the Gremlins get into your life and run amok. Hope that's them done all their mischief now and everything gets back to normal.

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
            That's really pants OWG... hopefully it won't be to costly in the end

            "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


            • #7
              We have water again! And no hole in the roof, just a bit of bathroom floor to replace and a bit of ceiling to paint... (and a large hole in the bank balance...)

              Hopefully that will be the end of our bad luck and we'll get through Christmas with nthing else going wrong!!


              • #8
                We've been unlucky last week losing both our heating and hot water.... A full system drain, new and an empty wallet later the heaating should be working for tomorrow. You take hot water for granted until you realise you havn't got it no more.

                Good luck OWG!



                • #9
                  Glad to hear you've at least got the problems in the house sorted O.W.G., bet you're sick of the sight of water! Just try not to worry about the garden for now, it sounds as though you live on a flood plain or something, do you? I'd suggest spiking your lawn & adding grit to your soil but it sounds too bad for that! Hope it all works out for you next year with your growing.
                  We've got a problem with our gas fire at the moment but are too skint/tight to get a repair man out for a while so I'm huddling round an electric heater for now. I was brought up in a house where the only heat was from a coal fire & we couldn't always afford the coal so I'm quite hardy!
                  Into every life a little rain must fall.


                  • #10
                    Flood plain!?! Here is where we are (link)

                    The whole surrounding area is a flood plain! It takes less than 10 minutes to be on the (very windy) beach from our house, which is great for walking the dog, but means we get all the coastal weather.

                    Mr OWG has been researching how to make our lawn better drained for next year. Luckily, the place we'll be growing the veg on is better drained than the lawn, but we're looking at clearing the dykes out (they get grown in so fast) and making them deeper also.

                    Think we're going to be hiring a mini-digger - should make Mr OWG happy!


                    • #11
                      Oh dear! I hate times like that, one nasty thing after another. May be the seed swap may help a little. Especially if your starting a new garden, I'm sure I have some 1/2 packets which I can give. Courgettes, rocket, lettuce, radish. I'll have a look. If you don't mind a homemade collection!! That might give you a half a smile


                      • #12
                        How exciting, I feel like I post lots but I have only just been promoted to a seedling YAY


                        • #13
                          Good for you mazel-bee. I Feel your pain owg sometimes it feels like things are really against you. Our dish washer just broken so by hand (it can wait) our woodburner just broken( That cant wait we dont have ch) and managed to put spade thro our central heating pipe so needed plumber and more oil!! Havent told my oh about that one stricktly need to know basis.!! Maybe we should just have a rant thead it would get used loads!


                          • #14
                            Sorry to hear of the problems OWG, hopefully that will be the last ones for a while and that things get better quickly! I have been there with no hot water, heating or ch, once lived with none for 8 months in my first terraced house, as it broke and I couldnt afford to fix it! Boiling 4 pans of water at a time and filling the bath up took about 1 1/2 hours every time I wanted a bath, not fun, but it was one of those things you just had to do at the time! Looking back now still makes me smile, especially when I hear of some folks who think that a broken nail is a major life changing calamity (or at least thats what you'd think judging by their behaviour!!)
                            Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                            'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                            The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                            Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                            Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                            On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                            • #15
                              Very glad to see from later post that things appear to be going in a better direction for you now. As for having you rant, its better out than in. And if you can't share your problems/frustration here, where can you?

                              Kirsty b xx


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