I have been feeling pants today.
Sick, hot, dizzy, hot, achey, hot, and as huge as an elephant. Decided at 8:30 that I couldnt cope with going to fetch Bashfull Bill from playschool at midday so booked him in for this afternoon too. Of course feeling paranoid that pea and pod are ok as they have been abit quiet but think they are poss feeling as pants as me. Have had my traditional cry (good to let it out eh) - twice and a huge sleep of 4 hours in between but still feel pants.
BUT I come on here and I am now ready to go and get the kids with a smile on my face.
The vine REALLY does it for me and I love you all.
Thank you.

BUT I come on here and I am now ready to go and get the kids with a smile on my face.

Thank you.
