Sorry for rehashing a possibly rather tired argument:re how the sexes deal with their ailments,but after my chat with a friend today,I really couldn't resist!!!
Her female friend has recently been off work with a dose of "Summer cold",wasn't until after she'd had her two days of "getting on with it"& then deemed herself fit to go back to work that a male colleague came down with the same thing...swine flu was diagnosed
As she'd been poorly prior to his diagnosis she was swabbed also...turns out her minor Summer cold was in fact Swine Flu also!!!!

Her female friend has recently been off work with a dose of "Summer cold",wasn't until after she'd had her two days of "getting on with it"& then deemed herself fit to go back to work that a male colleague came down with the same thing...swine flu was diagnosed

As she'd been poorly prior to his diagnosis she was swabbed also...turns out her minor Summer cold was in fact Swine Flu also!!!!
