Morrisons do quite a range of good value ones too.
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ECO - Watt
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
We have been replacing all our bulbs over last few months.Wilkinsons sell the bulbs for �1 each.Morrisons sell double packs for �1.99.We have bought the cheap ones for now,and as they need replacing,we are planning on getting the ones that look like 'proper' light bulbs!(they seem to be alot dearer at the moment).
We are also replacing as they blow and I regularly turn off lights etc. Miss E is in training the only problem being that now she can just reach the switches with her finger tips, standing on tiptoes it is good fun to practice turning the lights on and off despite mummy and daddy's protests.
Got three candle type bulbs in wilkos for just over a pound each. Great value.Bright Blessings
If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.
You guessed it, although she does have a couple of "steps" that we bought for when she started using the proper toilet (as opposed to the potty) so we usually suggest she gets that.Bright Blessings
If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.
We are using nearly all low energy bulbs in the house now and now that the boys have left home are in complete control of what is switched on! These days the bulbs are a far better shape and don't seem to take so long to warm up. We find they last far far longer than ordinary bulbs too.
Alice, we have a huge house with no street lighting so I do like a lamp on the stairs at night, but we just have a very low wattage low energy bulb and it is more than enough.
Thought you might like this aside: my 93 year old mother in law lives in a sheltered complex and last year a salesman was trying to sell them some fancy low energy bulbs. His sales pitch was that although they were expensive they had a minimum five year working life - until my MIL pipes up "Well I just wouldn't get the benefit from them would I".~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
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