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fancy dress help


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  • fancy dress help

    I need to pick all your brains please.

    We are all going to an australian themed fancy dress bar-b-q at the weekend.

    My 4 yr old is the only one dressing up (mainly because it's his and his brother's birthday partys the next day and I can't face the extra hassle of getting us all togged out lol)

    I need to know what to dress him as bearing in mind that a) it needs to be free or cheap, b) I am rubbish at sewing and making things and c) I only have 5 days to sort it.


    OH says just sew some corks round his hat, but all our wine bottles we have had recently are screw tops! Plus I was hoping to be more imaginative than that.....

  • #2
    Aborigine would be quite cheap and easy, if it was adults as well I would go as Gordon Ramsey


    • #3
      borrow a kangaroo (toy one of course), stick him in something that you can pin a pocket onto the front of and then pop the baby kangaroo in his pocket....he's a kangaroo!


      • #4
        hmmmmm find an old shirt......laminate some australian holiday brochure pictures, glue them to shirt, then your a ozzie tourist rep! PLUS everyone will find it interesting to look at and provide good conversation.

        SHIRT = FREE already have

        BROCHURES = FREE from travel agent

        GLUE, 5 for �1.00 from tescos!

        Hope you have an nice party.
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


        • #5
          hi - was thinking of corks through the hat also...until I re-read your message - attached link might give you some inspiration for ideas without buying...! I love the surfer idea!

          Australian Party Supplies, Australian Decorations and Australian Fancy Dress Accessories for Australia Day, Australian Theme Parties & Sporting Occasions

          Hope the 4yr old has fun
          Last edited by deezyb; 06-07-2009, 06:12 PM.
          "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


          • #6
            I am liking these ideas - we may all go as reps now lol


            • #7
              sounds like fun...can we all go?
              "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


              • #8
                I will ask my son as last year he had a aussie themed bbq at his house.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  Our suggestions are:
                  surfer dude (long shorts, flipflops, white stripes on cheeks & cardboard surfboard) shark (grey top, grey tights, grey cardboard fin & big teeth) - one child could be shark & other surfer and pretend to eat / wrestle each other.
                  Dame Edna Everage (purple dress, sparkly glasses, flowers)
                  Rolf Harris (flowery shirt, jeans, painted on beard & fake didgerdo),
                  Outlaw Ned Kelly (lumberjack shirt, jeans, cereal box painted grey with eye slits and plonked on head - sorry not very health and safety that one)


                  • #10
                    broken broom handle or card tube.
                    Sheet of card
                    Old tee shirt
                    red paint.

                    Put the sheet of card inside teehirt
                    Stick broom handle on to card,
                    cover it all in red paint

                    Steve Irwin.
                    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                    • #11
                      Put him in your dustbin and call him Ned Kelly.
                      Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


                      • #12
                        I bet Aborigine would be most fun for him!
                        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                        • #13
                          Could your OH ( or you)go as Dame Edma...nice frock from a charity shop- cut out sparkly cardboard taped onto sunglasses- and a gladioli????
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • #14
                            so what u going as then jane?
                            Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                            • #15
                              Alas I am not dressing up.

                              I was inspired the other night and decided to dress the boys as surfer dudes... they will have swimming trunks, muscle vests, bandana, and I have made surf boards (from my greenhouse polystyrene winter collection) and I have decorated them with aussie pictures. They even have shark bites out of them!

                              Not cost me a penny


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