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Deezyb meets Alice and Amandaandherveg!


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  • Deezyb meets Alice and Amandaandherveg!

    Have had a lovely couple of days, firstly visiting Amanda yesterday, to collect some tom plants and a couple of cukes, met her lovely doggies and saw her amazing garden and `the wall' - what a mess that is and no wonder she was upset! Also popped in to see Alice today (and her husband) both lovely also and came away with some courgettes! Both gardens absolutely gorgeous and plentiful of veg postage stamp is still to get going full on! So basically I've kinda been visiting Grapes and getting some freebies - seriously though...lovely to meet you girls and put faces/voices to the posts on the Forum.

    Dee x
    "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."

  • #2
    Well if you're ever down this way.....

    Were they like you expected ?


    • #3
      Thank you so much for coming DeezyB and for the delicious tomato and basil muffins. It was really lovely to meet you too - we'll do it again and check on progress.
      It's always great to meet a Grape.

      A couple of years ago we had a Grapes meet up at the Dunblane Tattie Fayre. We agreed to meet in the very good pub across the road from the venue. I said I would take a bunch of grapes to put on the table so we could find each other.
      At the entrance to the Fayre I was standing there holding the bunch of grapes when the person collecting the admission money asked me how I knew about the Fayre and I said A GRAPE TOLD ME.
      As soon as I had said it I knew what it sounded like but there was no way to explain.
      I'm sure she just thought the loonies had arrived - and maybe she was right

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vicky View Post
        Well if you're ever down this way.....

        Were they like you expected ?
        Yes, both how I in lovely and warm people! Just so good to meet other like minded people also!

        d x
        "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


        • #5
          Originally posted by vicky View Post
          Were they like you expected ?
          deezyb is very, very funny - and very tolerant of my 2 Shar Pei that launched themselves on her and over her during her entire visit. I love visitors that take gifts - especially lovely homemade Beetroot and Chocolate muffins. Hopefully I'll get to meet loads more Grapes - perhaps at the Open Gardens in our village next weekend.


          • #6
            Aaaah, there's nothing like a good Grape meet-up
            Thanks for sharing Deezy, Alice and Amanda, sounds like you all had a great time


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