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earn extra cash ideas?


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  • #16
    How about delivering leaflets or your local free paper - you could combine that with Avon or Betterware books


    • #17
      Originally posted by rustylady View Post
      How about delivering leaflets or your local free paper - you could combine that with Avon or Betterware books
      good plan!! 2 jobs in one


      • #18
        Sell your body?

        I tried it once, but ended up owing money.
        A simple dude trying to grow veg.

        BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

        Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

        What would Vedder do?


        • #19
          Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
          Sell your body?

          I tried it once, but ended up owing money.
          yeah i tried it too, got arrested for false advertising, apparently the goods weren't up to scratch


          • #20
            Originally posted by rustylady View Post
            How about delivering leaflets or your local free paper - you could combine that with Avon or Betterware books
            I only ended up with about 12 customers, but got about �40 every 3 weeks. They give you a set round to do, and we lived in a 'well to do area' where more people were expected to buy. I had 100 houses initially and out of those 12 would order. I sent three books out in a row and if they ordered in that time I sent them further books. If they didn't I didn't bother. Avon claim one in three households will buy but I dind't find this to be true, it was less.
            Doesn't sound a lot of money but had I had more customers and a bigger round.... I wasn't very dedicated with a small baby it was sometimes hard to find time to go out and do it.
            There is hardly any work involved other than delivering the books. (put them in a clear plastic bag and they will not get ruined in the rain). Christmas was a very busy time, double money or more.
            And you get to get loads of stuff sale price, and cheaper which was brilliant for pressies for people. I still have a box under the bed that is wheeled out xmas when I am stuck for a gift!

            I believe with Betterware you can find your own customers and not have a set round to follow.

            pm me if you want to know more


            • #21
              I used to deliver Yellow pages,Bt phone books,Thompsons directory and Ikea catalogues in my spare time. Quite lucrative but not what you would call a regular income!
              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

              Diversify & prosper


              • #22
                Used to make a fortune donating Sperm.....�10 a go and that was in 1987.....They would only let you give 4 times a and a mate used to pop out at lunchtime...

                I was very upset when the trial ended. And it was tax free.
                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                • #23
                  I deliver the local free newspaper. You get a small basic rate for the paper, and extra for the leaflets, it averages about 10 to 12 pounds a week, so obviously that works out at nearly 50 pounds a month
                  You have to stuff the leaflets into the papers yourself which is a bit tedious, but once you've done it a while it seems to get easier; and after several different rounds I got the one right on our doorstep.
                  Stuffing takes just over an hour, and the round takes just under two
                  Once you've got used tothe round you can drift along in your own little daydream, planning holidays, what you're going to plant this spring, and so on.
                  You get to meet and chat to people. Over the past few months I've met someone who was knocking down his car port, and I took the wood to edge paths on my allotment; and someone else was having a clean out of his garage and shed : I got a bent fork, which I repaired and various other bits and pieces for gardening
                  I try to do something worthwhile with the money like saving for a holiday, or some new backpacking gear, and not let it get lost in the rest of the household finances


                  • #24
                    As someone who's been in a similar situation and is staring it in the face as I type - the only advice I can offer, which isn't much, is try to get a cash job because the interest on a second job is disgustingly huge.

                    I used to earn �70 a night working at my local nightclub collecting glasses (arrive at 7pm get home for 3am) but because I worked 9-5 during the week, I ended up with �20 in my pocket because of taxes. And that was 15 odd years ago so goodness only knows what it's like now.....

                    I know there are cleaning agencies who are looking for people and they tend to pay �7-8 an hour out this way. Some employ you as self employed so you have to sort out your own taxes at the end of each tax year.....(leaving you to draw your own conclusion on that).

                    Failing that, keep pubs, bars, cafes, restaurants, and event companies in mind, they often need additional staff on an ad hoc basis, don't know if they pay cash.....

                    It's a rubbish situation to be in - hope it works out.


                    • #25
                      You could try ebay , buy a laminater make your own bookmarks i do this and i sell handmade beaded jewellery its a rollercoaster market but it all adds up and now ebay don't charge a listing fee on items 99p or under that don't sell so you can always give it a go.


                      • #26
                        Like Lizzy says, I think a cash job might be best. When I had a cleaner (she left me for another woman! ) I used to pay her �10 an hour, straight into her hand - and I never asked her about her tax returns or anything
                        I was feeling part of the scenery
                        I walked right out of the machinery
                        My heart going boom boom boom
                        "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                        I've come to take you home."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by stacey2009 View Post
                          You could try ebay , buy a laminater make your own bookmarks i do this and i sell handmade beaded jewellery its a rollercoaster market but it all adds up and now ebay don't charge a listing fee on items 99p or under that don't sell so you can always give it a go.
                          I didn't realise they had stopped charging listing fees for items started under 99p.

                          I used to be self employed running a hand made jewellery business and when I first started (about 6/7 years ago) I got really good money for my designs on ebay but it seems to be flooded with stupidly cheap imports now which has really de-valued everything. I did loads of craft fairs and even at these places there was so much imported 'hand made' stuff selling for 99p that it became very hard to make any money out of it. I ended up explaining to people that my cost of living was quite a bit higher than a 12 year old in China and even though I loved doing it the love of it doesn't pay the mortgage!

                          Having just heard yesterday that OH is being made redundant () I'm just recovering from the shock and starting to think about other options for increasing our income so might have to start putting a few bits back up on ebay but it's so soul destroying when you've spent 8 hours plus designing and making something and it sells for less than double the cost of the materials.

                          I used to do home parties which were usually much more profitable but as we don't have a car and aren't interested in running one it all gets a little complicated and very time consuming.


                          • #28
                            I know i suffered the same problem one summer i earned a couple of hundred on ankle bracelets i'd made but then cheaper came along and i wasnt prepared to lower my prices but then the listing prices and final value prices just got silly so i stopped for a bit. Try if your designs done well on ebay at one time they might do well on there too.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by NOG View Post
                              Used to make a fortune donating Sperm.....�10 a go and that was in 1987.....They would only let you give 4 times a and a mate used to pop out at lunchtime...

                              I was very upset when the trial ended. And it was tax free.
                              unfortunately i don't have the right equipment


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by stacey2009 View Post
                                I know i suffered the same problem one summer i earned a couple of hundred on ankle bracelets i'd made but then cheaper came along and i wasnt prepared to lower my prices but then the listing prices and final value prices just got silly so i stopped for a bit. Try if your designs done well on ebay at one time they might do well on there too.
                                Well good on you for not lowering your prices!

                                I spoke to loads of people at craft fairs who were prepared to sell their stuff for 2 or 3 times the materials cost which is ludicrous! If I work in an office I get paid by the hour and I don't see why I shouldn't expect to earn at least something for my time.

                                I have had a few wedding clients which have been great (ended up doing table decorations, bouquet pieces, favours, bridesmaid stuff, mother of the bride etc. as well as the bride's stuff) but I made it clear at the outset that I do charge for design time. I'm not travelling backwards and forwards, spending hours with a client, taking ages designing alternative pieces just for the price of one tiara!

                                I will definitely have a look at aaahhh... I miss the days for nearing �100 for one charm bracelet!


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