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Do you know anyone with (suspected) Swine Flu?


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  • #31
    My 10 year old has been coughing virtually non stop for the last 3 hours. She will probably have a sore throat in the morning due to all of the coughing.

    She hasn't lost her appetite or has a high temp which is a good sign, it just isn't nice listening to non stop coughing from kids though, it puts you on edge, I hate it.

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    • #32
      We have 4 off being treated with Tamiflu at our school nursery. No sign of closing early for summer - still one whole long week to go!


      • #33
        My 3 year old came down with symptoms last week - very high temp, sore throat, bad headache, aches etc and the doctor said no to swine flu over the phone. My 9 year old came down with it on thursday, exactly same symptoms and was prescribed tamiflu. Was told at school to keep it quiet and not tell anyone, -think they wanted an easy life before the end of school and have since found out that at least 4 other children that I know of have been off with it - goodness knows how many other children at school affected with it then.

        Does anyone know if that if you get it this time round, when it goes round again, as it is apparently due to do so in October, will it be advantageous to have caught it previously so as to build up an immunity, or doesn't it work that way?


        • #34
          I had all the symptoms and was told (over the phone) NO, NOT swine flu- a week later 2nd Doctor said (over the phone) that he would have put me on the 'very suspicious' list.........apart from feeling so awful the first day (stayed at home - to ill to go to work) I just felt exhausted and did not even think about eating for best part of a week - unheard of for me! Thing is- after the first day I went back to work (desk job) should I have gone back? I dont think anyone has flu here (just a matter of time) but there does seem to be so much conflicting information about. I am still not sure if I had the flu or not, I can tick all the boxes for the flu but a phone call said NO! what if it was and I had passed it on to the people I work with.....not good.
          I think the media want a sharp word with, they are a lot to blame for the PANIC that is spreading faster than the flu!!!!! - well done guys! you really are helping us.......not
          rant over!
          Last edited by Headfry; 20-07-2009, 08:09 AM.


          • #35
            I went to the docs on Friday for a non-flu related appt and mentioned that I'd had all the symptoms for flu, as has the hubby and bambina. To which the doc shrugged, asked if I still felt like it and said she'd have to ask me to leave if I did. WHAT!!!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by emilymup View Post
              Was told at school to keep it quiet and not tell anyone,
              Oh, very responsible!! I agree that there is an awful lot of scaremongering going on (particularly in the press), but children are one of the high risk groups, surely parents should be informed if classmates have been confirmed as having it.


              • #37
                New Government advice............Don't snog a pig while pregnant
                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                Brian Clough


                • #38
                  Sorry, but have to say i think thats in very bad taste.
                  I know we all have to take a lighter look at life and all that.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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