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Age Difference for Couples/Partners


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  • #31
    Only 3 years between me and OH (he being the older one and us not officially being OH's!) but he has been mistaken for my Dad... I really don't get it as he doesn't look very old... he does have a beard and he is quite a lot taller than me... so maybe that's it!

    We got together 10 years ago when I was just about to turn 19 and he was 22; despite a lot of ups and downs still going strong.

    Biggest age gap for me was a guy 9 years older when I was 18 (just before I met OH). Great fun but was never going to be serious enough to know if the 9 year age gap would be a problem!


    • #32
      So now i am seriously thinking TOYBOY please

      Damn - That rules me out
      Last edited by zazen999; 15-07-2009, 06:34 PM.

      Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


      • #33
        I've never had a partner more than 5 years younger or 5 years older. I think, like a lot of people have said, a big age gap can be difficult when you get older. I have a chum of 61, whose husband is 76. Of course there are other qualities but in a lot of ways, she's a fit, vibrant lady looking after an 'old man'

        Just curious FB, are you asking because you're concerned about a personal situation with either yourself or one of your offspring? Sorry if thats too nosy
        I was feeling part of the scenery
        I walked right out of the machinery
        My heart going boom boom boom
        "Hey" he said "Grab your things
        I've come to take you home."


        • #34
          There's 18 months between me and OH and it's great, some of the time he's like the big brother I never had and it's lovely to talk to someone who had similar experiences at a similar time, for example we both went to a grammar school just as the grammar school system was coming to an end, we can both remember 'proper' winters, we remember the same T.V. programmes. When it comes to my kids, well I suppose it is their choice and would depend on the person, but if I'm honest I wouldn't like a son-in-law (or even worse a daughter-in-law) who's older than me.
          Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


          • #35
            Originally posted by kirsty b View Post
            Get yerselves scrubbed and form an orderly queue all you single lads!
            kirsty, how nice to think of the possibility of a queue loL! i should be that lucky lol!


            • #36
              Drew is 2 years older than me. I went out with a couple of chaps before I met him, who were older than me (bearing in mind I was 17!). I really don't think that age is an issue - its the person who counts.
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #37
                Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                Just curious FB, are you asking because you're concerned about a personal situation with either yourself or one of your offspring? Sorry if thats too nosy
                There's a complex situation with someone I work with and I was curious.

                My OH is four years younger than me - we've been together 9 years.
                She looks a bit young for her age (not helped because she's short) and I look a bit older (not helped because I'm tall and hairy). Ocasionally, the four-year difference of minds shows when life experiences are talked about - she has less of certain life experiences. But we've been together 9 years (met in late 1999, got together in mid-2000), so I suppose it can't be too bad.
                I was previously with someone six years older than me (in my 20's) and prior to that (late teens/early twenties), had a couple of relationships where age was within a year or two either side.
                The woman who was six years older used to fret about it for no reason.
                I have always looked a few years older than my age, so I probably matched well (in public) with the six-year-older woman. Nobody ever realised the age difference, but she used to fret over nothing.

                I have a surprising number of friends and colleagues with big age differences.

                Mid-forties man with late-twenties woman.
                Mid-forties man with early-thirties woman.
                Early-forties man with mid-thirties woman.
                Mid-twenties man with late teens woman.

                My father (old-fashioned views born in 1930 - sadly no longer with us) always used to say that a man should be a couple of years older than the woman and that the man should be about six inches taller.
                He was never completely comfortable with the idea of the six-year-older woman (he wondered why a 30-ish woman was single and never married). But he only raised his concerns with me in private and never gave her a hard time about it.

                I'm now with someone about double his desired height and age difference (four years and one foot). I think that he felt she was a little too small and young, but not too much and he only hinted at it once or twice when I asked for his honest opinion.


                • #38
                  I'm six years older than my partner and i think up to ten years people don't even batter an eyelid.

                  Sorry i've not been on much because having an arguement with BT who chopped the line so have to use the libary computor when i get the chance.
                  ---) CARL (----
                  NORTH DEVON

                  a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



                  now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


                  • #39
                    Poor Carl, nice to see you again!!

                    My OH is 7 years my senior, I'm **35** and he's 42 - we complement each other very well, except I like to be social but he doesn't enjoy being out with people very much.
                    Last edited by Pumpkin Becki; 16-07-2009, 11:36 AM.


                    • #40
                      One thing worth remembering is that everybody assumes that if there is a larger age gap then the older partner will suffer ill heath first. Not always the case, although you can look after yourself, there is always an element of luck in that area and you can get supposedly old age illnesses very young - a friend of mine's mum started showing signs of senility in her 40s which was very sad. Basically, don't worry, so long as you're both adults then enjoy each other while you can etc etc and don't get hung up on your age, background etc. If it becomes a problem then fine, sort it or split but don't let other people tell you something is a problem that isn't to either of the two of you.

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #41
                        My partners 9 years older than me IMO it doesnt matter about the age difference as long as your happy.
                        Ive been with my partner nearly 3 years both of us had come out of long term marriages and both of us have been through the mill with our ex's.
                        Im so much happier now than I was in 14 years of marraige and I have to sing my OH praises as she took on a 4 year old when both her children are grown up not lot of people would do that.
                        Last edited by MrToggs; 16-07-2009, 02:17 PM.
                        Inside every older man is a younger man thinking what the heck happened


                        • #42
                          my son when 16 years old married a woman 18months younger than me!!It lasted 10 years though.23year age gap.They are no longer together and he is with someone else now and they are expecting their second child.


                          • #43
                            OMG. I don't believe someone started this thread here. I've been looking for advice on forums that deal with this as I'm seeing a man 20 years younger than me.

                            I've dated younger men before and it has been a bit of fun only and this is how this started out. We've both had to admit to each other that it's more and we are both wondering what we do.

                            So far it's been very, very secret, but someone is going to notice. I live in a small rural town and gossip is rife.

                            I'm leaving a lot out.
                            "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                            "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by JanieB View Post
                              OMG. I don't believe someone started this thread here. I've been looking for advice on forums that deal with this as I'm seeing a man 20 years younger than me.

                              I've dated younger men before and it has been a bit of fun only and this is how this started out. We've both had to admit to each other that it's more and we are both wondering what we do.

                              So far it's been very, very secret, but someone is going to notice. I live in a small rural town and gossip is rife.

                              I'm leaving a lot out.

                              If you love each other, and share interests (personally I think a sense of humour is the most vital 'shared interest') then age difference means NOTHING!
                              OK so one of you will get old long before the other, cross that bridge when you come to it!
                              Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by JanieB View Post
                                OMG. I don't believe someone started this thread here. I've been looking for advice on forums that deal with this as I'm seeing a man 20 years younger than me.

                                I've dated younger men before and it has been a bit of fun only and this is how this started out. We've both had to admit to each other that it's more and we are both wondering what we do.

                                So far it's been very, very secret, but someone is going to notice. I live in a small rural town and gossip is rife.

                                I'm leaving a lot out.
                                If you have a chance to be happy Janie - grab it. Don't let other peple's opinions or small mindedness spoil it for you. Why should others be bothered about an age gap if you are not.
                                Kirsty b xx


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