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Can you ride a UNICYCLE lol!


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  • Can you ride a UNICYCLE lol!

    well at the ripe old age of 41 i have decided to buy a Unicycle, one off my bucket list!! loL!!

    so can anyone ride one and any tips! I got one for my kids as well lol! its something i have always wanted to do, as well as play the saxophone, so why not!!!

    Tips welcome please

  • #2
    Sorry, juggling is the limit of my clownesque abilities.

    (That and big feet!)
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    WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


    • #3
      i got big feet too lol! my kids do diabolo and stacking cups and i bought one for them as well! so the circus comes to town and far better than sitting at a playstation all day eh!

      now where did i put my red rubber nose and curly wig lol!


      • #4
        Go on them both at the same time go mad, have a ball..i've all hands on stopping on a bike with 2 wheels..lord knows what damage i'd do if i only had 1 ..Good Luck X


        • #5
          i was going to buy one for my sister and her kids last year, but was told what part of my body it would be deposited in if i dared to do so .
          needless to say i didnt dare, you allways keep on the good side of my sister.
          a good put down line to use !

          If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


          • #6
            Since I was about 12 before I could cycle on an ordinary two-wheeler, I think I'll give the one-wheeler a miss.

            I've been learning to juggle for about two years (still learning).

            Best of luck with the unicycle.
            My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




            • #7
              My tips would be...

              crash helmet
              Knee pads
              elbow pads
              Start on grass, don't go off down any hills lol.

              Good luck and it's clear you are feeling better!


              • #8
                Originally posted by maytreefrannie View Post
                Since I was about 12 before I could cycle on an ordinary two-wheeler, I think I'll give the one-wheeler a miss.

                I've been learning to juggle for about two years (still learning).

                Best of luck with the unicycle.
                I Can juggle with three balls

                >>>This is a good vid<<<



                • #9
                  Hi, I used to teach circus skills to kids in my summer holidays from college! This was the method that we used:

                  Frequently Asked Questions on Unicycling

                  I was never any good at the cycling, but do still juggle - find it really relaxing!


                  • #10
                    great thanks Mac i have bookmarked that page and now have 6 weeks off work to master my skills! there may be a video of me one day! no not on crimewatch but on "you've been framed" lol!


                    • #11
                      Give yourself plenty of room. Don't they suggest riding alongside a wall or something - use one hand to steady yourself.

                      I had a unicycle once - very briefly.

                      It was actually a BMX - I wheelied from one side of a road to the other, only halfway across my front wheel decided to make a break for freedom and bounced off into a nearby stream.

                      The front forks of the bike worked wonderfully as a brake, and it's amazing how much ground you can clear once you make it over the handlebars.

                      Having retreived my wheel - complete with the odd stickleback and minnow, I knocked on a nearby door and asked if they had a spanner I could borrow.

                      I successfully wheelied across the road on the way home.
                      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                      What would Vedder do?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by squashysu View Post
                        well at the ripe old age of 41 i have decided to buy a Unicycle, one off my bucket list!! loL!!

                        so can anyone ride one and any tips! I got one for my kids as well lol! its something i have always wanted to do, as well as play the saxophone, so why not!!!

                        Tips welcome please
                        Good for you! I so want one - was looking at them on e-bay last week, where else would you get one? There are funny wee contraptions designed to teach uni-cycle technique it seems, I might get one of these first... just for cycling around the compost heap..

                        Oh what fun! Let us know how you get on - I took up piano at the age of 40 btw, not so sure about the sax thing
                        Last edited by SarzWix; 16-07-2009, 11:07 PM.


                        • #13
                          i got it from Amazon, i got one for my youngest as well a child's one, so we turning into a circus family, mind you many people say i am a clown anyway! loL!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by squashysu View Post
                            i got big feet too lol! my kids do diabolo and stacking cups and i bought one for them as well! so the circus comes to town and far better than sitting at a playstation all day eh!

                            now where did i put my red rubber nose and curly wig lol!
                            My compny car is like CoCo Crowley...every time I brake the doors all fall off.
                            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                            • #15
                              I can't even ride one with two wheels! When I was a child I flew over the handlebars of my "Chopper", bit the tarmac - I still have the false teeth and scars to prove it!
                              Bernie aka DDL

                              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


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