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For dinner today......


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  • For dinner today......

    We are having roast pork, with roast potato's, swede...... both shop bought and carrots, parsnips, cabbage, beetroot and courgettes ( with tomato's and garlic ) all from the garden!! Potato's and swede haven't grown yet, but most of the veg on my plate will have come from my little garden..... i can't wait!!

  • #2
    Sounds yummy! It'll have to be something quick for me tonight - its Weight Watchers!!


    • #3
      Vegetable curry - all home grown! (Except a slack handful of red lentils to thicken it of course!)
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        Haven't a clue what we're having. OH is off to the lottie to pick things in about half an hour; I know there'll be new potatoes and I'm hoping there's enough peas, I brought too many carrots yesterday so we will finish those, but until he gets back and I know for certain what he's brought I'll wait to decide what to cook tonight. I love this time of year when just about everything is homegrown.
        Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
          Haven't a clue what we're having. ........ I love this time of year when just about everything is homegrown.
          Great, isn't it? It's like 'Ready Steady Cook' every day!


          • #6
            Everything from the lottie except the steak which I got reduced from the Co-op today


            • #7
              We have just had fish cakes (bought), courgettes, broad beans, carrots, and new potatoes (all from allotment 5 mins before being cooked), then rhubarb, raspberry, and tayberry crumble (just the crumble made from bought ingredients). Have just had to stop myself eating the lot. It really is worth all the effort, the back ache and the nettle stings......It is all so exciting!

              Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
              Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!


              • #8
                Just had Pizza and salad afraid most was shop bought this time except spring onions and beetroot.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  I am going to put a big pot outside to collect rain to boil the pasta in - about the only thing I can find in the garden today
                  Happy Gardening,


                  • #10
                    We've just had Schnitzel (wafer thin pork coated in breadcrumbs, seasoned with fresh sage from the garden) Mashed potatoes (home grown, but not by me and baby sweetcorns (Sainsburys)

                    Washed down with a glass of Hock, which even the children drink.



                    Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                    ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                    Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                    • #11
                      It was Fish cakes, Boiled Potatoes, corn and home grown chard.

                      With a slice of Courgette cake...home grown
                      My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                        Great, isn't it? It's like 'Ready Steady Cook' every day!
                        Well, at the moment our kitchen is more like Scrapheap Challenge (long story, but daughter is moving, her flat is sold, but her new house doesn't complete until next Tuesday; guess where she's storing her stuff? Could be worse, at least they're sleeping at S-I-L's mum's)
                        Anyway, OH brought new potatoes, peas, a small head of calabrese and some of the overwintered onions. The onions are Senyshu (sp?) Yellow, it's the first time we've grown them, but they're lovely and also UFO shaped which makes them perfect for stuffing. So we peeled them, par boiled them whole then pushed out the middles. We chopped the middles, mixed it with a small amount of sausage meat, a handful of breadcrumbs and a tiny amount of sage and parsley, then bound it together with a beaten egg. (you can put other things in with the basic mix too, in the past we've used chopped apple, mushrooms, OH even once put a small amount of fried liver in which was really delicious, but how often do you have a square inch of fried liver handy?). We used the mix to stuff the onions then roasted them, and simply steamed the vegetables. All the ingredients except the tablespoonful of sausage meat were homegrown, even the egg was one of ours. If there's any mixture left (there usually is), you can shape it into small patties and fry them. Our daughter sprinkles grated cheese over the onions once they're cooked when she makes them for our grandson.
                        The sausage meat costs �1.50 a pound and we used about a tenth of it so I fed my family for 15p..... Jamie Oliver and Sainsbury's....
                        Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                        • #13
                          We has stuffed marrow with the first one I have ever grown - and no it wasn't just an oversized forgotten about courgette!

                          I made chiili-mince and mixed with rice, then cut the skin off the marrow, sliced to rings, took the middle out, put on baking tray and filled each ring with the mince mix. Baked for 20 mins then put cheese on top for further 5 mins.

                          Even OH who looked a bit skeptical loved it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
                            The sausage meat costs �1.50 a pound and we used about a tenth of it so I fed my family for 15p..... Jamie Oliver and Sainsbury's....
                            Go on Jamie, try something new today! lololol


                            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
                              Well, at the moment our kitchen is more like Scrapheap Challenge (long story, but daughter is moving, her flat is sold, but her new house doesn't complete until next Tuesday; guess where she's storing her stuff? Could be worse, at least they're sleeping at S-I-L's mum's)
                              Anyway, OH brought new potatoes, peas, a small head of calabrese and some of the overwintered onions. The onions are Senyshu (sp?) Yellow, it's the first time we've grown them, but they're lovely and also UFO shaped which makes them perfect for stuffing. So we peeled them, par boiled them whole then pushed out the middles. We chopped the middles, mixed it with a small amount of sausage meat, a handful of breadcrumbs and a tiny amount of sage and parsley, then bound it together with a beaten egg. (you can put other things in with the basic mix too, in the past we've used chopped apple, mushrooms, OH even once put a small amount of fried liver in which was really delicious, but how often do you have a square inch of fried liver handy?). We used the mix to stuff the onions then roasted them, and simply steamed the vegetables. All the ingredients except the tablespoonful of sausage meat were homegrown, even the egg was one of ours. If there's any mixture left (there usually is), you can shape it into small patties and fry them. Our daughter sprinkles grated cheese over the onions once they're cooked when she makes them for our grandson.
                              The sausage meat costs �1.50 a pound and we used about a tenth of it so I fed my family for 15p..... Jamie Oliver and Sainsbury's....
                              That sounds delish! How long do you roast your onions for?


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