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Scrapyard Challenge


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  • Scrapyard Challenge

    Allotments and recycling seem to go hand in hand very well with the ethos of "second use" materials very pertinent to most allotmenteers.

    Being a committee member on our site however its amazing the amount of scrap crap that ends up on plots that we need to clear before they can be re-let.

    I personally am fortunate in being able to source 1000 litre IBC's from work along with pallets, scaffold pipe and boards, gravel and other bits destined for the skip. However I refuse to let my plot look like a scrapyard and dont "hoard" like some people do so hopefully If anybody takes over my plot it will be clear of rubbish.

    Whats the worst anybody has had to remove from their plot? I will start the ball rolling with 2 bed springs, a microwave, 2 pub bottle chillers and about a hectare of broken glass.

  • #2
    We had a big scrap clearance a couple of years ago at our site. There was an air raid shelter on one plot!


    • #3
      Hello Piglet, it's not just lottie holders who hoard Junk. I had an old boy on a neighbouring property who had his whole property covered in junk. When he vacated the property it took 9 Big skips to take the junk away plus all the scrap cars - the Daimlers he insisted were valuable cars. He used to interfere with other peoples trees, hedges and shrubs - lopping, chopping and felling as he liked. He did this in the name of maintaining the amenity of the area. He died in a hospital for the mentally ill, but while he was alive there was no way to persuade the powers that be that he was deranged.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
        Allotments and recycling seem to go hand in hand very well with the ethos of "second use" materials very pertinent to most allotmenteers.

        Being a committee member on our site however its amazing the amount of scrap crap that ends up on plots that we need to clear before they can be re-let.

        I personally am fortunate in being able to source 1000 litre IBC's from work along with pallets, scaffold pipe and boards, gravel and other bits destined for the skip. However I refuse to let my plot look like a scrapyard and dont "hoard" like some people do so hopefully If anybody takes over my plot it will be clear of rubbish.

        Whats the worst anybody has had to remove from their plot? I will start the ball rolling with 2 bed springs, a microwave, 2 pub bottle chillers and about a hectare of broken glass.

        I agree Piglet with the first part. Our Treasurer has always said he would like to get enough money to get a shed for each plot so it does away with the "Sowato" look of all the home made sheds. We have a lot of home made greenhouses that have the old georgian bulls eye glass in as n of the old guys used to do window replacement so he had a nice little side line making greenhouses

        As to you second bit about being able to get the 1000 litre water butts, pallets & scafolding - your lucky I don't have access to this at all now - Any jobs going at your place

        As to rubbish - I was lucky. my first plot was ploughed for me so all I had to do was dig it over to get the worsed of the weeds out but I know that it's not always like that
        Never be afraid to try something new.
        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


        • #5
          On my plot I have 5 sheds, all built out of odds and ends and stuffed to the rafters with all sorts of stuff like wood, 3 bikes, pots, buckets, a bin full of lime, a sack full of ammonium nitrate (think thats what it is). Chimney pots, push along lawn mower, netting, random lumps of metal. I could go on and on....
          In one of the sheds I have noticed that the roof is caving in, so that has to be demolished, going to start on that tomorrow. Going to build coldframes on that part of the plot.
          On the plus side, under the brambles I have found 2 blackcurrants and a gooseberry bush, but I have yet to see if they will recover from my rather savage pruning (given before I realised what they were)

          Kirsty b xx


          • #6
            I will go with:

            Dead decomposing Fox
            plastic sheet that had been layed and left to go hard so it shattered when you tried to lift it.
            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


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