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summer classes for men


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  • #16
    After 35 years mines well 'trained' but looking at those classes I'd need number 13 I'm hopeless at birthdays I've only remembered our wedding anniversary a hand full of times.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • #17
      Let's agree that we are all different.
      Let's also accept that sometimes, when the 'differences' get exasperating, having a laugh about it (even a laugh with a slight touch of malice) is better than screaming and climbing the walls!
      Many a marriage has been saved because each partner moans about the other to friends of their own gender, and those friends UNDERSTAND (it may be that women do this more often than men, if so it is because WE NEED TO). Without such a safety valve, other relationships have foundered on trivialities.
      I don't want to fall out of love with my husband because he insists on putting things in the cupboard on an 'out of sight out of mind' basis, while I want 'everything in its place, or on view'. Being able to moan, and then laugh, about it, keeps us together!
      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
        Let's agree that we are all different.
        Let's also accept that sometimes, when the 'differences' get exasperating, having a laugh about it (even a laugh with a slight touch of malice) is better than screaming and climbing the walls!
        Many a marriage has been saved because each partner moans about the other to friends of their own gender, and those friends UNDERSTAND (it may be that women do this more often than men, if so it is because WE NEED TO). Without such a safety valve, other relationships have foundered on trivialities.
        I don't want to fall out of love with my husband because he insists on putting things in the cupboard on an 'out of sight out of mind' basis, while I want 'everything in its place, or on view'. Being able to moan, and then laugh, about it, keeps us together![
        Bang on! I had 2 marriages before I met Mrs. Rocketron and found someone that actually told me what I did that annoyed her. Knowing, I can adjust and we do have a laugh later.
        Last edited by zazen999; 24-07-2009, 08:54 AM.
        Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


        • #19
          One thing I realised that made a huge difference is if I put something in a cupboard 'Mr in pots' can't see it because he's a foot taller than me so its not in his eye line like it is mine.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Rocketron View Post
            Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
            Let's agree that we are all different.
            Let's also accept that sometimes, when the 'differences' get exasperating, having a laugh about it (even a laugh with a slight touch of malice) is better than screaming and climbing the walls!
            Many a marriage has been saved because each partner moans about the other to friends of their own gender, and those friends UNDERSTAND (it may be that women do this more often than men, if so it is because WE NEED TO). Without such a safety valve, other relationships have foundered on trivialities.
            I don't want to fall out of love with my husband because he insists on putting things in the cupboard on an 'out of sight out of mind' basis, while I want 'everything in its place, or on view'. Being able to moan, and then laugh, about it, keeps us together![
            Bang on! I had 2 marriages before I met Mrs. Rocketron and found someone that actually told me what I did that annoyed her. Knowing, I can adjust and we do have a laugh later.

            I'm not quite that fortunate. He 'listens', agrees with me, and carries on just the same!
            If I moan enough times, he will actually do something different, for a week, then he forgets the 'new improved' method and goes back to the old annoying way.
            Fortunately, after 34 years, I just need a safety valve to complain about him, then I can laugh, and carry on, and sometimes we can actually share a joke about it.
            I sometimes wish he WOULD say what bothers him, because I assume that he finds some of my 'little ways' as annoying as I find his, but I don't get the feedback (and that is, in some ways, the worst bit).
            Last edited by zazen999; 24-07-2009, 08:55 AM.
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


            • #21
              I note that there's no class on 'Separation Anxiety' - Learning to part with your old junk.

              When I first started seeing my OH and went to his flat for 'a cup of tea' I couldn't believe that state of his place. After we'd been seeing each other for some time I set about with the black bags - 48 of them went to the tip. He's a lovely, lovely man but after 8 years still stuffs things in drawers to be tidied 'later' when I'm not looking.
              Last edited by amandaandherveg; 23-07-2009, 08:27 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
                Originally posted by Rocketron View Post

                I'm not quite that fortunate. He 'listens', agrees with me, and carries on just the same!
                If I moan enough times, he will actually do something different, for a week, then he forgets the 'new improved' method and goes back to the old annoying way.
                Fortunately, after 34 years, I just need a safety valve to complain about him, then I can laugh, and carry on, and sometimes we can actually share a joke about it.
                I sometimes wish he WOULD say what bothers him, because I assume that he finds some of my 'little ways' as annoying as I find his, but I don't get the feedback (and that is, in some ways, the worst bit).
                You won't from a man.
                If you ask him what you do that annoys him, make sure you don't reply with "But how can you find fault with that.." We do.
                Last edited by zazen999; 24-07-2009, 08:55 AM.
                Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by lez View Post
                  my oh thought this was funny don't what she means
                  don't know why either lol
                  Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                  The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                  Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lez View Post

                    class 1
                    how to fill up the ice cube trays

                    if you want ice in your g&t, make it yourself in advance - men don't care!

                    class 2
                    the toilet paper roll--does it change itself?
                    most of the time they don't use it - they pee on their fingers then (if you're lucky) wash them!

                    class 3
                    is it possible to urinate using the technique of lifting the seat and avoiding the floor, walls and nearby bathtub? blame their mother for teaching them to pee standing up in the first place (maybe she did it out of spite!)

                    class 4
                    fundamental differences between the laundry hamper and the floor none - leave clothes anywhere, they still get washed.

                    class 5 dinner dishes--can they levitate and fly into the kitchen sink? maybe they can, it's only a problem if they need one and they're all dirty, so, not very often then.

                    class 6
                    loss of identity--losing the remote to your significant other. i don't use it, so don't have a comment on this one - sorry!

                    class 7
                    learning how to find things--starting with looking in the right places and not turning the house upside down while screaming. it's quicker to scream and have you fetch it!

                    class 8
                    health watch--bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health. if it bothers you, buy your own then ask him for the money.

                    class 9
                    real men ask for directions when lost--real life testimonials. if he's too stupid to ask then let him get lost (he'll find his way eventually).

                    class 10
                    is it genetically impossible to sit quietly while she parallel parks? gag him first, or blimmin well learn how to park!!

                    class 11
                    learning to live--basic differences between mother and wife. as far at they are concerned, none really - except for the s*x.

                    class 12
                    how to be the ideal shopping companion hand over the dosh then stay at home.

                    class 13
                    how to fight cerebral atrophy--remembering birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates and calling when you're going to be late. most do not have this capacity, so remind him regularly - then he won't forget.

                    class 14
                    the stove/oven--what it is and how it is used. most are not interested, so either do it yourself, or marry a chef!
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rocketron View Post
                      Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
                      You won't from a man.
                      If you ask him what you do that annoys him, make sure you don't reply with "But how can you find fault with that.." We do.

                      That I would never do. I dislike things he does, without any obviously logical reason, so I am prepared to accept that he has similar indefinable dislikes about me. I call it 'give and take'.
                      At one time he objected to my use of a phrase common among my family. I stopped using it. I don't think he even noticed!
                      Last edited by zazen999; 24-07-2009, 08:56 AM.
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                      • #26
                        when will women learn that real men don't get lost, we just have magical mystery tours???


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
                          He 'listens', agrees with me, and carries on just the same!
                          If I moan enough times, he will actually do something different, for a week, then he forgets
                          Same here.
                          I would ask nicely, cheerfully, if he would pick up his wet/dirty things and put them where they go: the washing machine/bin etc.
                          This carried on for 6 months (basic training I thought .. he'll catch on). Did he heck!
                          If I rant & rave, or sulk, he then bends over backwards to be tidy. It last all of, oh a day.

                          Even if I'm ill, he does nothing. On the day I got knocked off my bike, the Sainsbury delivery came, so 2 dozen orange carrier bags sat on the kitchen floor until I was fit enough to put everything away. He said he "didn't know where anything went". That's funny, because he knows where to find stuff when he's hungry.

                          he'll empty a Coke can, and leave it in the sink (the sink?????)
                          dirty pants ... top of stairs (and then walk past them, and past the wash machine on his way out)
                          shoes ... I made him a shoe cupboard, but he leaves them on the floor outside it

                          I really, truly think he does it to wind me up, because it's not really asking much, is it? I could live with the mess, but he moans about me not keeping the house clean ! He once told his father that I "don't do housework". Ruddy cheek.
                          So I moan on here, or to my mother/sister/parrot, and nothing ever changes
                          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 24-07-2009, 07:42 AM.
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Farmer_Gyles View Post
                            when will women learn that real men don't get lost, we just have magical mystery tours???
                            This quote gets my vote for qoute of the week....jacob
                            What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                            Ralph Waide Emmerson


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                              So I moan
                              over the years i learnt that no matter what us men do, women will find something to moan about .....

                              and if we cooked perfect dinners, kept the house spotless, if we did all the washing, ironed it, put it away neatly, if we did the shopping and put it all away, the woman would moan that she had nothing to do ........



                              • #30
                                My OH's favourite thing to say is ' I didnt make the mess so why should I clear it up '. That is till his parents are coming round then he tidies up, washes the floors, puts the hoover round, cooks dinner etc etc, course I just sit and watch ( not ) but if my family are coming it's all left to me to do so it doesnt get done. lol
                                Why is it that most men cant or wont empty the dishwasher OR put their dishes in but will leave them on the side, this is one thing that really gets my goat and I leave them on the side till he puts them in or till I get fed up of seeing them.
                                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                                and ends with backache


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