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home goal awarded against me


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  • home goal awarded against me

    I know there have been similar threads about what convenience food people buy etc, but I just thought I'd share the story of our supermarket shopping trip this morning. OH usually does it, as I'm at work, but I decided to go along to search out 'new ideas' as he's been saying he's getting a bit bored. We don't got to specialist shops, because it's too much trouble for him, so everything comes from Tesco (or the garden).
    Anyway, meatwise he puts a pack of 'mini chicken breast fillets' in the shopping trolley for �4, when we can get a whole chicken for �5. I know all the arguments about free range, but some battles I'll never win with OH. (I have converted hi to free range eaags, a start) Chicken yields 2 wings for bbq, 2 skinned legs for curry, 3 portion of mini breast fillets for stirfrys etc, and the carcase yealded chicken soup for 4 for lunch.
    Salmon, a tray with 6 small fillets for �10, or a side that needs chopping up, saving �4 and giving 10 portions. Braising steak from the meat counter, needed trimming and dicing as opposed to ready prepared, enough for 5 @ 80p per person. Gammon joint, half price at �3.74, yielded 1kg of thin sliced cold meat, plus stock to make lentil and bacon pot, serves 4, although a trifle too salty for me. OH and son no1, like with oodles of bread,which takes up the saltyness. Also we bought cooking bacon for son no2 for a bacon rolly poly, but it had to be sorted, because I hadn't realised it was sell by today.

    However penalty kick awarded to me for my canny ideas. 2 hours after returning form shopping, whilst OH has got a drink and retired upstairs for a well earned rest following a hetic shopping trip, I am just finishing off portioning and preparing the stuff for the freezer, my cuppa lonesome and unheeded to the side. Then he comes down and asks what's for lunch

    Was my time well spent? I think so, we saved a lot on feeding our current family of 5 (2 strapping sons back from uni, happy to eat homemade cooking, with houshold contributions kept to a minimum), but I can't see OH going to all that trouble in sorting stuff out. If he buys the same stuff, I will find it stiil the the fridge awaiting my return from work.

    All I get is 'you love cooking' when I remonstrate. He can't seem to see the difference between creative cookery and sheer drudgery, but I am working on him by liberating a good proportion of his martini bianco tonight, much to his amazement.
    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
    Now a little Shrinking Violet.

  • #2
    Sounds familiar... The OH is actually quite good at finding the bargains, but hates both the splitting up of meat for the freezer, and the putting away of shopping The other bad thing with him doing the shopping is that he comes home saying "It only came to �--.--" , but then I find that he's missed stuff off that was on the list, or only bought small packs where I said get large, and then things run out before the next shopping trip which means we have to "Just nip to the Co-op" and it ends up costing more then...


    • #3
      When my family were all at home I used to be very good at "creative cookery" - chicken, minced beef, and bacon joints were favourites as you can make at least a couple of meals from each.


      • #4
        Mr Sheds only had to get 2 items for the weekend shopping (it is so stressful with him, parking tantrums, trolley rage etc that I do it online now):

        seabass from Aldi
        SR flour from anywhere

        He came home empty handed, so had to drive back again (6 miles) and then he came home with pollock from Lidl, no flour, and 3 new football tops for himself. And then got in a strop all day because I was unhappy about his purchases !
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I'm very lucky.
          OH does both the shopping and the cooking. He's great at finding a bargain and wouldn't dream of going near a preprepared pack of anything from Tesco.
          The only downside is that as curry made from scratch is his favourite thing to cook, we do tend to have curries more than any other food. I am not however complaining as they are absolutely delicious ( far superior to any restaurant we've found so far) and I didn't have to cook!
          I did have to do the shopping yesterday as he has sprained his ankle so was unable to, but bless him, he sent me off with a list which was ordered by aisle so I didn't have to wander round trying to find the next thing


          • #6
            OH is a super star, he loves food shopping and is getting good at finding bargains. We split the cooking when i am off on school hols i cook when i am at school he cooks, mainly cause i am usually so dog tired both he and son and heir would have to live on beans on toast if it was up to me! I am veggie as is son and heir so OH cooks our dinner first and then does his own meaty portion afterwards, a very kind and considerate fella.
            I am currently experimenting with different veggie dishes on him from our produce and he never used to like veggie dishes but he is eating more and more of them, he will never be veggie like me but is getting a lot more veg than he used to.
            When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


            • #7
              I can't bear the thought of His Lordship coming food shopping, he'd do my head in
              Hayley B

              John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

              An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


              • #8
                My OH does the shopping every Friday while I am at work, we have a list on the computer and I print it off and tick the boxes for what we need, it is done by aisle so he just goes round the store and if they move stuff he makes a note of where it is and changes the list lol ( sad ).
                Last night he put in shallots of all things. When I aske dhim why he said for my lunches in the week, WHY ?????? there is about 200 dug up yesterday for using, he replies they arn't ready yet they need cleaning lol
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  oh bacon rolly polly,
                  im 52 and can still remember the taste when my gand mother would cook it for tea ,with mash and gravy.
                  any chance of the recepie, i have tried but its never the same.
                  a good put down line to use !

                  If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


                  • #10
                    My OH is great - when it comes to buying the things he wants - cereal, milk, comfy-bum loo roll, but the rest of it is down to me... he often pops in to Tesco on the way home for the aforementioned items but NEVER EVER comes home with something for supper! I get the same reaction as Barleysugar - "you love cooking!!" the fact that I work as a chef and spend my entire working day preparing food for others seems to go straight over his head!!

                    It feels like a losing battle - but the fight goes on!
                    How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


                    • #11
                      OH doesn't drive so I have to do all shopping tho' he's usually with me and we do it together, sometimes he's quite useful in remembering things we need, but he is incapable of going into a supermarket to get one or two items and coming straight out again. He has what I call the old man's supermarket stroll, it drives me mad, must look at everything! Grrrr!


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