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how silly


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  • how silly

    this weekend weve got a blues festival in cumbria it a big thing lots of visitors from far and wide what i cant understand is why people drink so much so they cant stand my oh has just helped this lad of about 30 home he had fell banged his head arms head all bleeding got him nearly home then police came didnt help but took his name he wont be the only one but it makes me mad why they drink so much when theirs a festival on

  • #2
    The charitable assumption is that they don't notice how much they are drinking until they are drunk enough not to know how drunk they are.
    The more critical version is that getting drunk is one of the attractions of the event.....
    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cheery tree View Post
      what i cant understand is why people drink so much so they cant stand my oh has just helped this lad of about 30 home he had fell banged his head arms head all bleeding got him nearly home then police came didnt help but took his name he wont be the only one but it makes me mad why they drink so much when theirs a festival on
      my OH works in crowd security at concerts etc.. last night she had to stay in the st johns ambulance tent at a jools holland concert with a 14 year old girl who was steaming drunk.. now personally i'd also have to be absolutely hammered to sit through a jools holland concert but it's still no excuse for a 14 year old to get into that state


      • #4
        I you want to see drunks come to Croydon...I saw one bloke at 5.30pm on a an hour and half after drunk he got in a fight with a TRAM....and broke his wrist punching it.....
        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


        • #5
          Originally posted by NOG View Post
          I you want to see drunks come to Croydon...I saw one bloke at 5.30pm on a an hour and half after drunk he got in a fight with a TRAM....and broke his wrist punching it.....
          *crossing croydon off my places to visit list*


          • #6
            i have a friend who still thinks it shows what a man he is to get drunk as quick as he can, if me ands other friends have a drink .he then becomes abusive and allways right ! then in the morning uses his drunkeness as an excuse for his "memory loss of the previous evening".But we all know this is false as we often catch him out,its now an in thing between us to see who can catch him out with the bigest lie he will tell.
            a good put down line to use !

            If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


            • #7
              I think its a British thing.
              Binge drinking isnt anywhere near as common in europe as it is in the UK. Speaking as one who only recently went to the Army v Navy rugby match at Twickenham and got incredibly drunk, I think that if the worst thing you do is hurt yourself by falling over, its not the end of the world really.
              Abusive drunks are always a nightmare, as they cant be reasoned with, but the majority of people go to these events, probably drink a bit too much and then go home with nothing worse than a hangover the following morning. No harm done.
              Bob Leponge
              Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


              • #8
                I know when I've had too much if I start throwing my handbag at Mr Sheds... and he knows he's had too much if I go really, really quiet instead of screaming at him
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  its not only the adults their are childen as young as 12 drinking i no you cant blame parents but maybe if they ad a bit of authority they wouldn be drinking its a crying shame wats happening to these kids


                  • #10
                    Have to confess to getting far too drunk at many a festival and gig in the past (just can't cope with the hangover's now!!!).

                    Admittedly I very rarely got so drunk I couldn't remember stuff and never injured myself (or anyone else... or a tram for that matter!).

                    It's something I grew out of and I kind of assumed everyone else would as well but having witnessed the craziness of some people, old enough to know better by half, on the streets of Colchester some evenings I'm beginning to doubt it!


                    • #11
                      Sometimes kids drink to forget, maybe home life etc. No excuse but it happens. Some parents buy the alcohol for their kids, Working on a friday night I see it all the time. I am very strict on not selling any booze to anyone without ID. no ID no alcohol. and that applies to everyone in a group.
                      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                      and ends with backache


                      • #12
                        I used to go to Reading Festival.

                        In the guest area bar, the drinks are stronger and there's many many quality substances available.

                        I can say no more on here; apart from I am now over it and don't see things that aren't there anymore.


                        • #13
                          I've never understood the appeal of getting so sh*t-faced (on whatever) that you don't know what's going on, or what you're doing... Where is the fun?
                          I drink so little these days that a few sips of red wine makes me tipsy - cheap night, me


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                            I've never understood the appeal of getting so sh*t-faced (on whatever) that you don't know what's going on, or what you're doing... Where is the fun?
                            I drink so little these days that a few sips of red wine makes me tipsy - cheap night, me
                            I could tell you what fun we used to have, but not on here

                            If I never see another drink again, it would be too soon....I have the odd pimms but get squiffy after a few sips. I think I overdid it one year


                            • #15
                              Don't get me wrong, I've been many miles away from goody-two-shoes But I only once got to the point of not knowing what was going on, and I never went there again


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