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Just seen ideal job....argh!!


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  • #16
    Take a good hard look because a recession is often the best time to start a new business - interests rates being low and all.

    Good luck, and remember - no regrets!
    The cats' valet.


    • #17
      Originally posted by dogsbody View Post
      Take a good hard look because a recession is often the best time to start a new business - interests rates being low and all.

      Good luck, and remember - no regrets!
      The other side of that coin is mass redundancy and peeps restricting their spend on luxury items hence the rise in popularity of Aldi and Lidl


      • #18
        My old boss started a deli in a dales village with lots of tourists with his brother in law a couple of years ago when he got out of the B & B business. It's going fantastically, he has a good range of veg and other deli stuff and they do outside catering too. Know he's much happier now as the hours are much better than in the B & B, just depends what your hours and job satisfaction is like now. Good luck whatever you decide.


        • #19
          Well, we've asked to look at the accounts, and been told that we need to have a viewing first...

          So, we're going to see them tomorrow afternoon, then I can get my hands on the accounts and get the real picture. The estate agent told me that there is £30k take-home every year, which would be nice, but I'm not naive enough to believe them!

          Watch this space!


          • #20
            It does sound a fantastic idea!
            You are going into it with your eyes wide open and knowledge that what you see isn't necessarily the full story - which is the best way to do it, best of luck with the viewing.
            I hope it could work out for you as it sounds great!


            • #21
              Good luck! Sounds like a fabulous opportunity, particularly if there is the possibility of selling some allotment veg/derivitives thereof!


              • #22
                Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                Well, we've asked to look at the accounts, and been told that we need to have a viewing first...

                So, we're going to see them tomorrow afternoon, then I can get my hands on the accounts and get the real picture. The estate agent told me that there is £30k take-home every year, which would be nice, but I'm not naive enough to believe them!

                Watch this space!
                It sounds wonderful! Im so pleased for you that at least you are going to get all the info, you have family who have their own businesses, and obviously know what you are doing - good luck chuck! let us know how you get on.
                Bernie aka DDL

                Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                • #23
                  Am finishing early today to go and get the accounts of the shop.

                  Had a very successful viewing on Saturday, and the business is well set up and running like a dream, however, I have to make sure there is enough in it for me to give up my full-time jobs with all its benefits etc. Hhmmm, scary thought really!


                  • #24
                    Fingers crossed for you. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity.


                    • #25
                      Have fun with the accounts! It all sounds quite exciting.


                      • #26
                        Ooof, what a dilemma OWG...
                        I'd get quotes for things like private healthcare insurance, and pension plans and things like that, so that you know how much it will cost you to have the same level of benefits that you get from paid employment. And why are the people selling the place? Is it freehold or leasehold? How many extra hours do the owners work when the shop is shut, doing extra cooking etc.
                        It does sound like one of those 'once in a lifetime' opportunities though...


                        • #27
                          Very excited for you OWG, it sounds like you are going in with your eyes wide open.

                          I used to work as Senior Designer for a local Interior Design company, I say used to because the boss had one flaw...she just loved doing-up new premises, buying all the furnishings, equipment and displays. It broke the company, we rented premises, so had no assets to back up the huge outlays she was making.

                          At least for you, you will be continuing the same kind of business, and hopefully be able to buy all the fixtures and fittings as part of the deal. I would want to see purchase information/ warranties for any fridges or electrical equipment, as these may need replacing in the future and should be factored in to your calculations.


                          • #28
                            I always think its better to die knowing. If its really your dream job then I would strongly suggest giving it a go.
                            Always regret what you havent done, rather than what you have.
                            I wish you all the success if you decide to go for it, and reading through, it seems you're certainly interested.
                            Bob Leponge
                            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


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