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Going through a rough patch....


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  • Going through a rough patch....

    Hallo grapes,

    I was hoping somebody would be able to give me a word of advice. I have found myself in a situation which I don't know how to resolve it.

    I have got a new boss, and in the 6 weeks he has worked in his new team (which includes me and another colleague) he has not given us any guidance or instructions.
    What's worse, I have put some concerns in front of him over one document he produced (critized it) and everything cooled down even further.
    I have now found out that he has kept information from me, which I feel I need to do my job, he obviously doesn't.
    I had a discussion with him about what's happening and was told it's all my mistake, that I do not communicate and oppose everything he does.

    I am absolutely distraught, as I have treated him with uttermost respect at all times, including him in all my activities etc. If I could I would change job.
    It's affecting me so much now, that I feel sick everyday. I have vomited twice at work already. Thank god for chewing gum.

    I spoke to HR who suggested a further conversation with him, but I am not comfortable anymore to do that without a witness.

    Can I ask, if anybody has any experience? I feel like my skills are no longer needed and what's in my job description is no longer valid.

    Does this count as bullying?
    Any words of advice?

    Thank you!
    TiaChica updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics

  • #2
    How long have you been there, and how long has he been there?


    • #3
      I have been working there for 3.5years, he just under 6 weeks.

      I was specifically employed to challenge work routines and methods and identify best practice. But I have the impression that my boss cannot deal with me challenging his proposed working practice.

      I have 3.5 years of working experience in the industry, he has 40+. :-( updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


      • #4
        If you really can't have an open and honest dicussion with him, I would recommend that you go one level higher if there is one. That is how it works in my company if you are uncomfortable having a further discussion with your manager then you are able to talk to the next line of management. It sounds as though someone needs to sit down with both of you and provide proper clarity around your role and his.
        Where I work, we have a policy of regular feedback and being able to give constructive criticism without it being felt to be a negative thing for either the giver or reciever, which is really helpful. It doesn't always work as there will always be individuals who think only they can be right. Sounds like your new boss fits this description.
        That fact that you have less industry experience probably makes it easier for you to challenge methods that those with huge amounts of experience are so used to using that they are unlikey to identify them as areas which mught benefit from change. It may be worth saying to him that you are not criticising him, simply identifying areas where even a seemingly good method may be improved on as per your job description and that you really hope that he does not see this as a personal criticism in any way.

        Good luck with it and if it does not improve, keep going to HR and flagging the problems. Make sure they record the meetings to as it could provide good background records should things escalate. Throwing up because you're so unhappy at work is not good. Point this out to HR if necessary.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tiachica View Post
          I have been working there for 3.5years, he just under 6 weeks.

          I was specifically employed to challenge work routines and methods and identify best practice. But I have the impression that my boss cannot deal with me challenging his proposed working practice.

          I have 3.5 years of working experience in the industry, he has 40+. :-(
          Yup, you are probably right.

          When you first started, did you have problems telling anyone else that their working practices were wrong? How did you get over having to give this sort of info to people?


          • #6
            To be honest, everybody else in the company has been open to suggestions for improvement, and even if they were not correct or feasible suggestions, they would still tell me that in a respectful manner.
            We are a fairly small company with 45 employees. Most of which I have worked with for 3 years. The "big" players, i.e. senior engineers, etc. are very keen on change and love getting involved. Only this week, while my boss was on holiday, one of the project managers came with a suggestion to me to discuss how we can improve one issue to get my opinion. It's bizarre, to be honest.
   updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


            • #7
              Sorry to hear about your problems. It a horrible situation to be in. I havent anything to add to what has already been said. Just letting you know Im thinking about you. Do let us know how you get on.
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #8
                If you are on good terms, is it possible to have a quiet word with one of the other people at his level.....just to ask their opinion?

                Sometimes bosses come in and want to 'press hard to see who bruises and when'....whereas some bosses are just pratts and should never have been employed. You are obviously well liked and respected so try and sound one of them out.

                We had a new manager who came in and peed everyone off, alot of the female staff were hesitant about making a complaint about his attitude; and I was quietly gathering opinions and what I didn't know was my gvnor was trying to get rid of his because of his creative use of the expenses system; he went soon afterwards because of this but sometimes it takes a few people to speak up to make the management see they have hired the wrong person. But, you have to be able to trust someone before you have a word with them about it.


                • #9
                  How does your team member feel about it? Are they up to complaining as well?
                  Two people with the similar problems will double your chances of a result. Ask for a meeting with him and with HR present to clarify things, and because it's a small company, and the people there have known you for 3.5 years, they probably respect your opinion and your work otherwise you would have been out of a job.
                  For you to feel like that after only 6 weeks is not good.
                  Bull by the horns time...


                  • #10
                    Tiachica - I think the fact he has 40+years industry experience is the reason behind the intransigence. People of a certain generation are not so open to what they interpret as direct criticism rather than enlightenment as to potential alternative ways of doing things.

                    We all - no matter what age - have our own ideas on how to get things done the best way. I'll be the first to admit I don't necessarily like being put right!

                    2 minor domestic examples of things I never used to do and 'learnt' from an au pair. Firstly to have clothes inside out for washing/drying - better wash and those which need ironing on back first are presented ready for the job. Secondly - how to fry an egg! I was always too heavy-handed with the heat and learnt that high heat was a bad mixture for the perfectly cooked fried egg. Still make the odd blunder - but generally my eggs are now great!

                    You have obviously approached this boss in the manner you thought you were expected to according to your rules of engagement/job desc. If you don't already - I would document(proof that you've done your bit) your suggested changes to any document/work-practice in such a way as to offer as your suggested amendments in writing/memo - but bow to his greater industry knowlege/experience and be willing to learn from him. It could be that some stuff is better done from a jumped generation or 2 back? So much unnecessary change in every walk of life has been implemented for the sake of change and for some jobsworth to put his stamp on things. If he feels that you are also willing to learn/adapt to his ways he may be more receptive? This is getting into the realms of man-management/psychology and isn't always easy to do.

                    There is also the probability that he feels under threat as he is at the end of his career whereas you may not be? If his practices are seen as being outdated, costly, time-consuming etc this will be found out by higher management sooner or later. It may just uncomfortable for you while you wait.

                    In worst case scenario you could always look to transfer to another dept?
                    Last edited by quark1; 09-08-2009, 12:28 PM.


                    • #11
                      He sounds like a typical dinosaur who does not want to admit that there are other ways to do things. I am thinking about you, I work with a group of men that even the thought of changing their coffee brand sends them off into a corner in panic, hence we drink vile coffee!

                      Are you a member of a union or anything that could offer workplace advice?

                      Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
                      Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!


                      • #12
                        I was in a similar position to you some years ago except I was already feeling that I wanted to leave the job for a variety of reasons, when a new person was added to the team to replace someone who was retiring. I was so at odds with this new person that it was the last straw and I resigned from what had been a pretty good job that I really loved only a couple of years before. I found out that this new person was sacked less than 12 months after I left for misconduct.
                        So I would say hang in there for as long as you possibly can, gather information and record everything. If practical, put your concerns into emails so that you can prove what you feel is going on and who you report it to.
                        I know how tough it is for you when your job makes you physically ill.
                        Keep reporting to Human Resources and keep records of all conversations. Make sure HR know how you feel both work wise and emotionally/physically.

                        �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                        "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                        Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                        • #13
                          Thank you to all you grapes again for your kind words. Today is the last day of holiday from my boss. He's back on Monday, so not sure what will happen.
                          Next week Wednesday is a management review meeting and thereafter I'll request to sit down with my boss to discuss my job description.
                          Then the week beginning Monday 31st I am on holiday. Puh!
                 updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


                          • #14
                            Hallo Grapes,
                            I found out yesterday that my boss has handed in his notice. Friday will be his last day.

                            The shock has slowly worn off and I am just relieved!

                            Thank you again for your support.
                   updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


                            • #15

                              Instant Karma.


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