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I'm supporting the lads!


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  • I'm supporting the lads!

    I have decided to support the lads in Afghanistan by sending them some goody boxes. A friend of mines son is out there at the moment and it seems that many, for one reason or another get no parcels from home, so she decided to get the ball rolling and now I and other neighbours have joined in. It's just a case of filling a shoe box with bits and bobs from home and the postage costs nothing. I hate to think of some of them queuing up for parcels with their mates only to find nothing. Whether I agree or not that their out there in the first place, I think is irrelevant. Their out there now in 100 degrees of heat with little comforts from home, so am doing my bit.
    AKA Angie

  • #2
    Well done you... OH when he was in iraq (1st time) said there were a lot of lads that didn't get anything, so i used to put something extra in his so he could share his with them..silly things like extra strong mints, cotton socks, juicy fruit chewing gum, extra deodorant, toothpaste you know what sort of things i mean, i've still got most of the letters and we've even had 2 lads came up to see us after OH got out....they never forget you know, it'll give you a real nice buzz


    • #3
      Just trying to come up with some ideas now. I assume deodorants can't be aerosol. Was trying to think of things to send that might occupy their time when their not on the front line. Any ideas welcome.
      AKA Angie


      • #4
        Originally posted by selfraising View Post
        ....and the postage costs nothing....
        I'm saying nothing!!!

        Originally posted by selfraising View Post
        ..I assume deodorants can't be aerosol


        • #5
          remember and keep the parcels under 2 kg, or the post office wont take them, but you can post as many as you like,
          my daughter is just back from iraq, and said they couldnt live without the pacels from home no matter what was in them, from shortbread to flipflops, even half packets of biscuits from the cupboards was great, and they used to fight over them. we used to send silly stuff from the pound shop, blow up balls, draughts, board games, she even asked for water pistols [ which i found strange ] and they had a water fight and the sargent came round the corner and , well you can guess the rest, by the way shes only 18, but a few days later he turned the water pistols on them and they had a great 20 mins in the 55 deg heat, so really it doesint mater what you send as long as you send something,
          by the way, i think what your doing is GREAT,


          • #6
            Is there a general address to send these to? Its a wonderful idea
            Kirsty b xx


            • #7
              Talc for in there socks, feet get wet through, and start to rot. Pen's because of the heat they dry up, lip-balm with sun screen in it, OH asked for some peg's once, nice soap, and ardroil's right, silly things that'll make them laugh, dot to dot books ,word search, sudoku, believe me....anything is better than nothing at all....


              • #8
                Originally posted by kirsty b View Post
                Is there a general address to send these to? Its a wonderful idea
                Not sure as my friend is posting mine via her son but I will try and find out


                • #9
                  Ooops didn't realise my daughter was still logged in! Have just had a look on the internet. You have to know someone out there in the forces for the postage to be free as it is free to friends and family. This is why I am giving them to my friend to post who will send them on to her son, he will then pass on to those who have no parcels. As I said earlier, a lot of the neighbours are busy filling up shoe boxes and these are then passed on to my friend to take to the Post Office.
                  AKA Angie


                  • #10
                    Kirsty I will PM you an address.

                    You cannot send:

                    Alcohol, Areoles, Pornography, Deodorants need to be Unsented (as they cant smell of ocean breeze on operations), Chocs and most sweets (cos they melt),.

                    You do not have to be related to the Soldier to send it FREE. The package just has to be shoebox sized and under 2kg.

                    If you send your Package Marked "To a Soldier" it will be pooled and then issued to Sodiers that do not get packs from home.

                    Boxes to Afgan are currently taking 5 days to get to the front line.
                    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by NOG View Post
                      Kirsty I will PM you an address.

                      You cannot send:

                      Alcohol, Areoles, Pornography, Deodorants need to be Unsented (as they cant smell of ocean breeze on operations), Chocs and most sweets (cos they melt),.

                      You do not have to be related to the Soldier to send it FREE. The package just has to be shoebox sized and under 2kg.

                      If you send your Package Marked "To a Soldier" it will be pooled and then issued to Sodiers that do not get packs from home.

                      Boxes to Afgan are currently taking 5 days to get to the front line.
                      That's great, thanks for clarifying that NOG
                      AKA Angie


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by NOG View Post

                        If you send your Package Marked "To a Soldier" it will be pooled
                        apparently not. I asked about this last time someone suggested it. Have a look here: Care Packages
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 10-08-2009, 08:30 AM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          There is so many misunderstandings around this issue, people trying to help etc, but sadly it isn't as easy as you would expect.

                          I would just ask that you all take care in what you put here as to locations etc, this isn't a secure site. Yes I know much is given out by the meedja - but we don't have to help 'them' do we!

                          Paraniod? moi? I wasn't, I am now

                          Ensure you have the correct facts before sending anything, this is to give your very kind parcel every chance of getting where you want it to get to.

                          And remember, there are other services out there, not just 'soldiers'


                          • #14
                            You are quite right Piskie. My friends son clearly recieves the parcels which is why I am doing it this way. I guess I have chosen 'soldiers' as it is close to home (my friends son) but there are other services out there and they shouldn't be left out.
                            AKA Angie


                            • #15
                              it is fantastic what you and others are doing and if any of you (that know him) wish to have the address of himself - please do send me an email. And tons of thanks to those of you that have already asked for it - it really does mean a lot to them.

                              I can totally confirm that anything under 2kgs is free to certain locations
                              Last edited by piskieinboots; 10-08-2009, 10:57 AM.


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