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Whodunnit - kittens vs friend with evil streak


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  • #16
    Yerrrsss... A little break sounds like a good thing...


    • #17
      I'm not cheering honest guv


      • #18
        Spoke to OH, as he pointed out, if the sensor bar was still on top of the telly then the kittens couldn't have been responsible as they would have pulled it off.
        So it has to have been evil child
        What a nasty trick to play


        • #19
          Does your boy have a imaginary friend? it could be him
          I know how vindictive they can be
          just take mine I upset him 20 years ago and he's still not talking to me

          he makes my shadow make rude gestures behind my back

          I wanted to go to RELATE to resolve the issue but the councilor said that they didn't supply the help I need

          he's been known to leave empty plates on the sofa and cups on the floor
          and in the morning my OH thinks that I left them, just to get me into trouble, thankfully having children means I can tell the OH it was the kids and pass the buck

          I am a bit concerned now though as they seem to have all got invisible friends themselves who are almost as naughty as mine
          Last edited by enrich100; 11-08-2009, 02:35 PM.
          Thought For The Day
          If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
          Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


          • #20
            lol Enrich, Thanks for the laugh. He did actually have an imaginary friend for a while and talked about him in such convincing terms that his teachers believed he existed!
            This friend is very real and what saddens me here is that this particular act is so malicious. He knows that my son saved up and bought the wii himself and that as he doesn't play it as much as the ps3 it wouldn't be spotted straight away so he wouldn't get caught. He hasn't been round in over a week so would assume we can't point the finger after so much time. It was carefully cut out of sight too so wouldn't be noticed until the machine didn't work.


            • #21
              It sounds like this kid has some serious issues going on, Incy! I wonder why he feels the need to do things like that. Makes me feel sorry for him in a way.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Incy View Post
                lol Enrich, Thanks for the laugh. He did actually have an imaginary friend for a while and talked about him in such convincing terms that his teachers believed he existed!
                This friend is very real and what saddens me here is that this particular act is so malicious. He knows that my son saved up and bought the wii himself and that as he doesn't play it as much as the ps3 it wouldn't be spotted straight away so he wouldn't get caught. He hasn't been round in over a week so would assume we can't point the finger after so much time. It was carefully cut out of sight too so wouldn't be noticed until the machine didn't work.
                That is NOT a friend!
                re-friend's mother and the 'shopping' where does she think the money came from for the items?
                If she refuses to accept it as POSSIBLE that her child is telling porkies, I'm not so sure she is exactly a friend either.
                Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                • #23
                  He does have issues. Mostly caused by his Mum who we are very fond of but infuriates us sometimes. I can't go into it here as it is a public forum but I would not want to be in her shoes when he gets older and starts questioning some of her decisions!
                  As far as the shopping was concerned, the items were not expensive and could have been shared which would have been fine. They were passed off as a gift.
                  OH was understandably livid when she rang to tell him off for giving her boy a hard time.
                  The trouble is that my boy is rather naive and very gullible( partly due to his disability).
                  He really likes this kid and doesn't have many friends so we are reluctant to stop the friendship.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by enrich100 View Post
                    Does your boy have a imaginary friend? it could be him
                    I know how vindictive they can be
                    just take mine I upset him 20 years ago and he's still not talking to me

                    he makes my shadow make rude gestures behind my back

                    I wanted to go to RELATE to resolve the issue but the councilor said that they didn't supply the help I need

                    he's been known to leave empty plates on the sofa and cups on the floor
                    and in the morning my OH thinks that I left them, just to get me into trouble, thankfully having children means I can tell the OH it was the kids and pass the buck

                    I am a bit concerned now though as they seem to have all got invisible friends themselves who are almost as naughty as mine
                    Think my OH must have an imaginary friend like yours........would explain a lot of the mess that appears round here on occasion.
                    Kirsty b xx


                    • #25
                      Me needs an imaginary friend!!!All those bucks I've had(&have),yet noone to pass them to!
                      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                      • #26
                        Definitely the friend with the Evil streak..if it had been the kitten, there would have been little teeth marks all over the cable, but i agree with you, it sounds like this child has some serious underlying problems that need to be addressed by his mother, he seems to be taking advantage of your little one and that in its self isn't fare.
                        Your doing such a good job of teaching your boy right from wrong, and how to share his belongings, it must be very infuriating that these mysterious things keep happening.
                        Do you think this other boy is attention seeking? And if so why? It may be me, but it sounds like things arn't all that fantastic for this child at home, and this could be a way of expressing his frustrations, i can also see why you feel sorry for the boy...Good Luck with this one xx
                        P.S A Big Happy 12th Birthday to your little one today
                        Last edited by ginger ninger; 12-08-2009, 08:08 AM.


                        • #27
                          Thanks Ginger. The issue is more jealousy than anything else. He does go in for a fair amount of attention seeking as he would like more time with his Mum. Being a single Mum working full time though there's not much she can do about that.
                          Anyhoo, I have now oredered a new sensor (splicing didn't work) and my boy is happily celebrating his Birthday and loved all his presents


                          • #28
                            Read the whole thread, and I can see the attention seeking etc, and have a but of sympathy with the lad. It can't be pleasant to feel so jealous.

                            I think I would be inclined to have a wee chat with him next time he's at yours. Explain that he's very welcome, but that you know that he cut the sensor wire as it couldn't have been the kittens, or an accident, and that he has a track record. Tell him that he won't be welcome if anything else happens. Once he knows that you know, and are watching, he may stop (hopefully)

                            If he snitches to his Mum about your little friendly chat, then explain to her that you didn't want to trouble her with this as you felt it would only cause her to worry.

                            We had a similar thing when a friend of our sons' was downloading porn on to their computer upstairs a few months ago. We knew it was this particular friend out of the four boys who all come around in a gang. OH had a wee word with him and once he knew that we were aware it stopped. We didn't see him for about 6 weeks, and in the 6 weeks no further material was found on the boys' pc. We thought about putting a net nanny on the boys' pc but our boys are sensible and we didn't want to 'curfew' them when they hadn't done anything wrong.


                            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                            • #29
                              Good advice Jules. Thanks


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                                Me needs an imaginary friend!!!All those bucks I've had(&have),yet noone to pass them to!
                                Your in luck Ive just setup an employment agency specifically for imaginary friends and for a � 250.00 finders fee I can get that perfect Imaginary friend for you, and for a further �20 per week we can arrange health care, insurance,transport and housing cost for this imaginary friend. If your imaginary friend is on holiday we can supply cover for �5.00 a week

                                Just remember there are a lot of cowboy companies, we are not one of them, unless you want a cowboy as your imaginary friend. We are a member of the Industry Trade Group independant Division of Imaginary Offices Trade Society known by the acronym I.D.I.O.T.S

                                As you can imagine our running cost of running an imaginary office for imaginary people is extremely expensive, and profit margins are very low

                                If for any reason you are not happy with your Imaginary Friend please return them to us in 7 days in the same condition as they were supplied for a 10% refund

                                Our business name is
                                Considerate Associations Speciality Hospitality

                                As its such a long name we ask you just use our initials when writing your cheques

                                all excess profits will be donated to the Incy Wii Repair Fund

                                I look forward to your money, oops I mean your business
                                Last edited by enrich100; 12-08-2009, 04:34 PM.
                                Thought For The Day
                                If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                                Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


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