Yesterday evening we went to a friend's place to look at small cars for someone (he's a scrap dealer, so has a huge compound and field). This led to wandering around the field looking at tractors...
...anyhoo, after a game of footie by myself while the boys looked at boy stuff, we went to the nearby Te**o at Gatwick as I realised I still hadn't got kittie fud and I'm out this eve. Wandering through the car park, I commented that my ankle felt wet from the field (you can see where this is going...).
Stood next to cat fud, I realised that the wet feeling was now on my thigh. Then I had the horrible realisation that there's only one thing that feels so wet and slimy...and it was too high to be just a wet jean leg...
Luckily I had loose jeans on and was able to roll the leg up enough that I could then reach inside and bring out a slug. Bloomin thing was on its way to the knicker department!
There is now a confused slug living in Te**o carpark, on a little shrub.
...anyhoo, after a game of footie by myself while the boys looked at boy stuff, we went to the nearby Te**o at Gatwick as I realised I still hadn't got kittie fud and I'm out this eve. Wandering through the car park, I commented that my ankle felt wet from the field (you can see where this is going...).
Stood next to cat fud, I realised that the wet feeling was now on my thigh. Then I had the horrible realisation that there's only one thing that feels so wet and slimy...and it was too high to be just a wet jean leg...

Luckily I had loose jeans on and was able to roll the leg up enough that I could then reach inside and bring out a slug. Bloomin thing was on its way to the knicker department!

There is now a confused slug living in Te**o carpark, on a little shrub.
