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Whinge about political correctness!!!!!


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  • #16
    Thanks for the laugh Nick, but seriously (!) the whole pc business is part of 'Them' trying to get us to be afraid of each other.

    I believe that small acts of kindness/tolerence/understanding/forgiveness can undermine this c**p.
    Join the Camaign for Human Contact, beat the bu**ers at their own game.
    Try smiling at somone in the street today; Refuse to be afraid of children or strangers; don't buy the fear ethic.

    Our 'government' is seeking to control us by creating fear; this pc stuff is all part of that, In 1639 John Clarke, said "He who seeks to terrify others is more in fear himself"
    That seems to be what is happening today. let's beat it. Try a small act of kindness, it really works.
    Sorry for the prostelysing, but I feel strongly on this one.


    • #17

      I 100%, totally and unequivocally agree! Because of intereference, people are becoming SO me - minded. One simple act of kindness, politeness or straight forward good manners is good on two fronts; it makes the other person realise that not all people are jerks, and it makes YOU feel good! I work (and have done for the last 7 years) with disaffected teenagers (pc again!!!) and the amount of correctness we are supposed to apply is, quite frankly, b******s! I treat these young people AS people. I give them the respect they deserve as human beings, I have been known to hug them on occassion and I frequently (in a joking way) insult them. The results are fantastic.
      Stuff political correctness, lets just go back to being nice, kind but above all, tolerant human beings.

      Rant over!

      "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


      • #18
        Originally posted by zebedee View Post
        Stuff political correctness, lets just go back to being nice, kind but above all, tolerant human beings.

        Well said!
        Reine de la cocina


        • #19
          You cant even call a Spade a spade any more.
          My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


          • #20
            vertical digging implement, surely!


            • #21
              very good MB

              Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure


              • #22
                You're absolutely right Zebedee, but some of us are too frightened to touch anybody anymore for fear of being accused of assault. I work for a well known organisation as a volunteer. My manager hands out all the guff about words we can and can't use - then refers to the clients punters !!!!!!

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by madderbat View Post
                  ........... In 1639 John Clarke, said "He who seeks to terrify others is more in fear himself"..........

                  Struth he's some guy, I couldn't come up with anything like that at 20 to 5
                  Never be afraid to try something new.
                  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                  A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by NOG View Post
                    You cant even call a Spade a spade any more.
                    How right you are.

                    I was watching The Allotment the other night on DVD ( ITV West programme from 2004/5 - not bad) and all these bloody women from Bath kept insisting on calling spades shovels !! A Shovel is something you mix concrete & move shi er... muck with
                    Never be afraid to try something new.
                    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by nick the grief View Post
                      A Shovel is something you mix concrete & move shi er... muck with
                      When we go sh1t shifting we take our spade and fork!
                      (please note the number - I learnt the posh way when we lived in the village - S. H. one T!)


                      • #26
                        Well! Reading all your posts has just re-ignited my fury at this stupid political correctness society in which we live. There was something on the news last night about the 'winterval' etc. references; they questioned people in the street, asking what they thought about it and (Ok - they may have been selective in their choices, but...) they all said it was fine to refer to Christmas as... wait for it... CHRISTMAS! Who'd have thought it! Interestingly, people from all walks of life, creeds and colours agreed on this.

                        As a teacher, I can fully understand where you're coming from Zebedee - I work with the little ones, where you refer to whiteboards, chalkboards, police officers, firefighters and the best one, which I encountered in a nursery last year was that ever-favourite nursery rhyme: Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep!!! I'm serious!

                        Shopping with my sister today, looking for a toy panda: couldn't find one anywhere - she suggested it may not be PC anymore, as it's black and white.

                        What is the world (or at least our country!) coming to!!??


                        • #27

                          Nuff said I think
                          Never be afraid to try something new.
                          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                          • #28
                            That is ridiculous.


                            • #29
                              I read in the paper that schools were no longer to say christmas
                              or have the nativaty play as it might offend
                              Well I rember haveing a G***y w**, Jams with G***y w** Badges, singing Bar Bar Black sheep

                              Theres lots more we are not alowed now
                              Shall we make a list
                              Last edited by Lesley Jay; 23-12-2006, 08:06 PM.
                              Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                              • #30
                                Latest one in our neck of the woods is that one of the schools (as part of the health and whatever they call it now course) is asking the children to write to Santa advising him on how to shed his surplus weight!! This is to improve his health and to make room for more presents on the sleigh!


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