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Being unemployed is a right kick in the plums


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  • #31
    what also happening is,the job centres are sending some people to work in shops,to earn their dole money,just for a few weeks,then apparently give them some extra penny's for doing so,that means the shop has free labour,then after the alloted few weeks they are replaced by another person,it's good for the person on the dole,self esteem extra,but in doing so has taken jobs out of circulation,it's usually these kind of jobs that people used to be able to fall back on,not any more.
    several years ago DH was in the same boat,4.5years before he got lucky,he was doing all that was asked of him,he knocked doors on a regular basis,visiting over and over again,eventually 1 gave him a try out,and he got the job,was there until he retired,conditions were not good to be in,but,there was no other way,it was bad then,but now even the young ones are struggling,could it be on account of my my opening words??we used to shrink every time we entered the centre to sign on,we were tolled from the other side of the desk...just think of as the insurance you been paying has matured,after all you ARE ALL PAID UP...we still had an 11 year old at home,so know how hard it is,my peice of advice for anyone is,if you lucky enough to get some pay in lew,then check to see if the company have paid your stamp,if not,like us,later down the line,have a letter saying you can either have reduced pension or pay the back dues,we found new ways of spreading the pennies,DH used to go round the factories collecting pallets to saw up for fire wood,we took out the gas fire and fitted a coal grate instead,was a pain in the bum,but it helped keep us warm/saved �'s and gave him a purpose to get up,not that he is the sort to lay in,and is still not,he still goes round the factoies but this time for lottie buts ext,we got quite a collection now,anything we can use down there lol,
    I wish all of you people in the situation all the best,chins up,walks are good to,see the things you would otherwise miss,
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • #32
      Hi lottie,i've took to walking the dog over the fields more,yesterday i picked 4lb of blackberries and found tons of sloes and crab apples,also watched some buzzards flying about,if it was'nt for the lack of money it seems to be a better life style,cheers kev.


      • #33
        hi kev,when you alone in the country side,it gives you the opportunity to either scream out in frustration,or sing out loud and get some good vibes,without others wanting to send the special van round lol,i understand from other people i know,is nigh impossible to get anything at the moment,but don't give up,
        good luck with the jams ext,i ask friends and neighbours for their empty jars,as well as the ones i save,jams and pickles ext,also make a nice gift,providing they eat it,all saves the penny's.
        Last edited by lottie dolly; 20-08-2009, 02:37 PM.
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • #34
          Just read the last couple of posts, and had nearly forgotten that while I was unemployed I went on several courses for free; but you do have to fill in countless tedious forms, though
          The courses included Outdoor Education/Mountaineerring, and City & Guilds and NVQs in Catering and Cookery
          I had always worked in factories and manufacturing, but it was the catering qualifications that got me my present job. Not as well paid, but warm, dry, indoors, fairly easy, and free meals
          As you know, manufacturing has been cutting back for years, besides the recent credit crunch problems, so I just had to consider something else
          The courses themselves were interesting enough,too, and it all helped to meet people, I still keep in touch with a couple of them


          • #35
            I'm expecting my 1st notice letter in October, so understand how you feel. As this is my 3rd go on the at risk list, I have been rescued by great managers twice already, I am hoping something internally will come up before the final departure date. when I was looking for work after I had taken time out to have my son, it was really hard. The important thing is to stay positive.
            The job centre at the time offered me a free morrisby test ( job/ skill profiling) I would definitely recommend you enquire about this as it gives ideas as to what areas you would be suited to and could give you alternative paths to try. It certainly boosted my confidence no end amd as a result I landed a job which one of the agencies I was with was also given the spec to and never mentioned to me. They then grovelled hugely when I got it as I had to fill the new department I had been employed to set up and manage!
            Good luck!


            • #36
              Same happened to me Too

              Pretty similar story,

              I was made redundant in January, and Figured it was time to work for me rather than someone else and be caught with my fate in another persons hands again.

              It is really difficult and the hours are worse than the pay, but at least I am hold my own fate in my hands - no one to blame but me.

              you just have to keep going and you will get there - believe it.




              • #37
                I had an interview today with a wine merchants. Lovely company, lovely offices but they are paying �8k less than my previous role. It all went very well (I think) I am not too sure if I can accept that (that's if they do offer my anything at all) as it would be a very big squeeze for us.

                At least I am getting out there.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by geoff View Post
                  Just read the last couple of posts, and had nearly forgotten that while I was unemployed I went on several courses for free; but you do have to fill in countless tedious forms, though
                  The courses included Outdoor Education/Mountaineerring, and City & Guilds and NVQs in Catering and Cookery
                  I was made redundant last November, third time in six years So I looked at the courses available to me and decided to change career (from Print Sales) to Gardening. I took a City and Guilds course in Organic Gardening, also RHS level 2 - the courses were great and so were the people on them (I was the oldest by some 20 years

                  I passed my City and Guilds in June and take my RHS in February.

                  Business was slow at first, and then started to pick up in March, now I am working six days a week, with regular clients and loving it, and I have lost 2 stone. Order books are full until October so hopefully it should be better next year.

                  So keep your chin up, look for a new direction if necessary, courses are very cheap or free if you are out of work. Look at every day as a new opportunity.

                  Best of luck.

                  Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by funstuie View Post
                    I had an interview today with a wine merchants. Lovely company, lovely offices but they are paying �8k less than my previous role. It all went very well (I think) I am not too sure if I can accept that (that's if they do offer my anything at all) as it would be a very big squeeze for us.

                    At least I am getting out there.

                    I changed careers (from long distance lorry driver to groundsman) and took a �15 k/year cut in wages . Honestly it was the best thing I ever did .Sometimes it's what makes you (and any partner/ spouse) happy rather than the money.I'm not saying it was easy but with a little adjustment here and there we do allright .
                    Hope it all goes well for you.
                    There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by funstuie View Post
                      I had an interview today ... but they are paying �8k less than my previous role...I am not too sure if I can accept that
                      And your alternative is what?
                      tbh, in this climate any job is better than none. You will adjust. I went from �15k (not even a great wage to start with) to under �5k when I got ill. You have to make the best of what you've got.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                        And your alternative is what?
                        Hold out for another job. At the moment it might seem mad but I have worked my tits off for over 10 years to get where I am and it's pretty hard to justify a massive pay cut. There are jobs out there and I have a good CV, I might regret it 4 months down the line but I am sticking to my wants at the moment.

                        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                        tbh, in this climate any job is better than none. You will adjust. I went from �15k (not even a great wage to start with) to under �5k when I got ill. You have to make the best of what you've got.
                        Well I haven't got it yet.

                        An �8k drop is significant living in London, that would be back to the salary I was on when we lived in a 1 bed flat above a kebab shop 5 years ago. We now have a Child, House, Car, Pets, Bills (Nursery is �600 per month and it's one of the cheaper in the area). Plus my travel costs into London are about �2k per year. And we live really frugally, myself or my wife have not bought new clothes other than underwear and some shirts in the sales since my son was born over 2 years ago. To take that drop we would be scraping by and I am sorry if it comes across as greedy or stupid but I want to try get something better.

                        Being unemployed is horrible and depressing. When I started out I had a goal to find a job which was similar to what I did before hopefully paying a similar pay (I am willing to take less) and within an easily commutable distance. As the months have gone on and I have gone on a number of interviews those goals remain. There are jobs out there and I am hopeful something will come up soon. I don't see the point in taking any old job as I will want to leave in a few months and be back in the same boat. We are spending nothing but the bare minimun at the moment as my wife feels the same about my job. She has been with me through the ups and downs of my career and she wants to get a job I want.

                        By the way I don't have an over inflated view of my skils etc. I know where I fit into the market and although I was in management in my previous role I am applying for a broad range of jobs. I applied for the job I went to the interview for yesterday as it sounded interesting and the company seemed nice, their package was listed as "Market rates" which it turns out is not "market rates".

                        Fingers crossed I can find what I am looking for or at least something that ticks most of the boxes soon.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by funstuie View Post
                          we live really frugally ..To take that drop we would be scraping by ... Being unemployed is horrible and depressing.
                          I know
                          but as you know, it's easier to find a job if you already have a job. I don't want you to slide into the same position as my BiL (you could be my BiL, for all I know, your story is almost identical).

                          He has been out of work for 8 months now, thinking it would only be an 8 week jolly.
                          He is now experiencing depression, irritability etc and has massively fallen out with his family over money issues.
                          And still no job on the horizon
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                            He has been out of work for 8 months now, thinking it would only be an 8 week jolly.
                            He is now experiencing depression, irritability etc and has massively fallen out with his family over money issues.
                            And still no job on the horizon
                            I think that's the difference. I have not treated this as time off at all. I have been looking for work since the day I left my last job. I have spent nothing of the redundancy package which I received. Luckily we owe nothing, we don't have any loans, we pay our credit cards as soon as we use them (and we don't use them anymore), we have never purchased anything we can't afford (HP) so we are lucky that we can manage our finances. If in a few months our situation hasn't changed we might start panicing but for now we are getting by.

                            As I said I am realistic, I am not holding out for the perfect job I just have some standards which I hope to meet.


                            • #44
                              I must say I agree with two sheds. The longer you are out of work the harder it gets to get another job. When my OH was made redundant we agreed that he would take anything slightly suitable as it would mean at least some money coming in and its always easier to find another job when you're actually in one.


                              • #45
                                Well it has all moved on in the past few hours on this one. They called this morning and offered me the role but I was completely honest about the money and said was too much of a drop in salary for me, I though that would be the end of it. Well she just came back to me after talking to the CEO and has offered me �5k more plus a very generous bonus. It would still be less than I was on previously but not far off. I didn't think I had it in me to negotiate a salary increase but she obviously liked me. I was quite shocked and told her I would like to take the weekend to think about it which seems a bit stupid now, she was happy with that though. But I will call first thing on Tuesday to accept.



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