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  • #16

    O-REG-ano or Ori-GAR-no?

    Come to thnk of it, not a plant but how do you pronounce falafel? FALafel of flaffle?


    • #17
      You say tom-A-to and I say tomarto
      You say pot-A-to and I say potarto...

      ...who the hell says potarto?
      Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
      Snadger - Director of Poetry
      RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
      Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
      Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
      piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

      WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


      • #18
        Originally posted by basketcase View Post
        Come to thnk of it, not a plant but how do you pronounce falafel? FALafel of flaffle?
        It's always been fluffle in our house.


        • #19
          When I moved to Yorkshire I used to have many arguments about whether you should say "b-oo-ks" or "bucks", "c-oo-k" or "cuck".... The barth/bath, parth/path thing drives me potty. The OH says bath, unless he's talking about the place - that becomes Barth


          • #20
            We're all short a's in my family although my brother suddenly went all posh and started talking about making soap into a laaaaaarthar in the baaaaaarth when he got a fancy new job. Got some stick for that but he's stuck with it for over 20 years now. Not really that fussed how people pronounce things so long as a) you can understand what the heck they're on about and b) it's not put on (in a trying to be posh / pretending to be "from the ghetto" / whatever kind of way that's not natural)!

            Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

            Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


            • #21
              Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
              Ah, but did he say "glye-soh-fayt"", or "gliss-oh-fayt"?
              I heard it pronounced Gly - FOSS ate today!

              Being from Essex, born and bred, I get confused at a lot of differences in pronunciation;

              Loughton (in sarf Essex) = Law ton (rhymes with cow), but
              Sproughton (in Suffolk) = Sproor ton

              Got told off at home as a kid for sounding common, and had the pee taken at school for sounding posh - can't bladdy win!
              Last edited by Glutton4...; 20-08-2009, 09:45 PM.
              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                Got told off at home as a kid for sounding common, and had the pee taken at school for sounding posh - can't bladdy win!
                Yea same.
                I don't mind when people compare the differences in pronunciation, but I get really arsey when someone tells me the way I say something is "wrong" (unless I get it totally wrong)
                Like I keep saying gooseberries as "goozeberries" rather than "guzbries" and my mum keeps correcting me...I'll give her that one!
                Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
                Snadger - Director of Poetry
                RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
                Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
                Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
                piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

                WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


                • #23
                  Couch is called "twitch" here in Devon.


                  • #24
                    My OH says 'gussbrees'. I say what I see, which is 'goose berries' - if I saw a goose, I wouldn't say there's a guss/guz/gooz


                    • #25
                      A friends father in Hull laughed at the way I said Bus or Duck. He preferred Boose and Dooks. I know I am a Sarf Londoner but the way I see it they both have a U in them.

                      I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
                      Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


                      • #26
                        We have the north/south divide in our house. I'm southern OH is mancunian born and bred. Poor son has weird mixed pronunciation
                        My MIL calls gooseberries goosegobs. I HATE that! and yes there is an r in bath....


                        • #27
                          My children laugh like drains when I say 'cook' (Cuuhk) and 'cooker' (cuuhker) - but I keep saying it like that, I grew up with it.

                          Some of the younger nieces and nephews say 'baath' instead of 'bath' - short and sharp and cold (the way we used to have them! so we older ones still say 'bath').

                          never mind when I say - I'm just after coming back from town
                          instead of
                          I've just been to town - posh or what?
                          Last edited by maytreefrannie; 21-08-2009, 12:11 AM.
                          My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                          • #28
                            Last week a friend of ours who runs a small nursery was asked if he had a gonnerea! You know - them there plants that have huge leaves and grow beside streams.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                              When I moved to Yorkshire I used to have many arguments about whether you should say "b-oo-ks" or "bucks", "c-oo-k" or "cuck".... The barth/bath, parth/path thing drives me potty. The OH says bath, unless he's talking about the place - that becomes Barth
                              My M-I-L says coooook and boooooks as opposed to cuk and buk. She'd said it so many times I was worried my daughter would start speaking like that, so we called our first dog Luke, well you can't say looook at Luke, can you?
                              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
                                Yea same.
                                I don't mind when people compare the differences in pronunciation, but I get really arsey when someone tells me the way I say something is "wrong" (unless I get it totally wrong)
                                Like I keep saying gooseberries as "goozeberries" rather than "guzbries" and my mum keeps correcting me...I'll give her that one!
                                It IS goozeberries! what's up wi' yer Ma Lad?
                                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                       Updated March 9th - Spring


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