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The C word.


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  • The C word.

    Christmas that is.

    When we were last up at the out-laws, mother-in-law proudly announced that she'd bought a Christmas jumper.

    She wasn't kidding either. She bought it from this place:

    Christmas Jumper :: Seasonal Knitwear :: Jumpers just like granny used to make! (Powered by CubeCart)

    I'm now worried that I may have one heading my way....
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?

  • #2
    I can picture you in the Rudolph one Wayne
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Our DiY store had Xmas crackers on sale 2 weeks ago.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        It's too early!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          I can't believe I missed this thread....noooo please don't send me back to the Norty Step Zazen!


          • #6
            now this brings back memories
            My nan passed away this year on my birthday I don't think she planned to do that but a 93 she had had a good life even out living her daughter, my mum. she was 4ft nothing, me being the youngest grandchild I was always the baby grandson even though i'm in my late 30's and 6ft 4 tall (the tallest by several inches of all the grandchildren) and I could bounce her on my knee if I wanted to, at her funeral my brother and all my cousins were there, one of the things that made us all smile was the christmas jumpers that were knitted for us all, we remembered the growing room that she added, I think she thought all the girls were going to either get pregnant or put on weight as the waists were on occasions extreme, I think one of my cousins actually used one of her jumpers as a marquee at her wedding, The Boys well I think she thought we were neanderthals or at best the missing link (well I suppose we were teenagers) as the arms were long enough to rub on the floor when we walked, my brother being average height had it slightly better than me, atleast his jumpers covered his back, I think nan possibly thought I was going to become a transvestite as some of the jumpers were so short in the back that they looked more like a knitted boob tube than a jumper on me, back then I knew wasn't on my own though as on Boxing Day we had a Wear what you got for christmas party, I never once wore one out apart from the boxing day party, but looking back I wouldn't have asked for anything else,

            these jumpers on the link are good but nans jumpers were better, they were a combination of these and a magic eye pictures as you had screw your eyes up a bit to work out fully the picture that she had knitted

            she's left us but never to be forgotten
            Last edited by enrich100; 29-08-2009, 12:32 AM.
            Thought For The Day
            If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
            Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


            • #7
              Your Nan sounds wonderful. My Aunt used to knit us jumpers every year. Thankfully she was quite good at it but we still used to cringe at having to wear matching jumpers on Boxing Day


              • #8
                Have you seen Bridget Jones when Mr Darcey has to wear his Christmas pully his mum gave him, he pulled it off so i am sure you can too Wayne. After a few any jumper would look great! You could always wear it up the lottie.
                When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                  Christmas that is.

                  When we were last up at the out-laws, mother-in-law proudly announced that she'd bought a Christmas jumper.

                  She wasn't kidding either. She bought it from this place:

                  Christmas Jumper :: Seasonal Knitwear :: Jumpers just like granny used to make! (Powered by CubeCart)

                  I'm now worried that I may have one heading my way....
                  Another example of 'just because it got on TV - does not make it good'

                  I think it was getting a christmas jumper one year that put me off Christmas for life. I have to eat LOTS of chocolate to get over it every year.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View Post
                    I can't believe I missed this thread....noooo please don't send me back to the Norty Step Zazen!
                    Inspired by you - I asked my OH to have a think about what pudding he wants on Christmas Day [other than Xmas pud]...I told him everyone else is talking about it so please have a think, and I'm giving him plenty of notice so that I have time to make it.

                    Luckily he burst into fits of laughter and didn't call the men in white coats.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                      Inspired by you - I asked my OH to have a think about what pudding he wants on Christmas Day [other than Xmas pud]...I told him everyone else is talking about it so please have a think, and I'm giving him plenty of notice so that I have time to make it.

                      Luckily he burst into fits of laughter and didn't call the men in white coats.
                      My OH doesn't eat or usually cook puddings but he does do a great Christmas dinner. Think we're going with duck this year


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Incy View Post
                        My OH doesn't eat or usually cook puddings but he does do a great Christmas dinner. Think we're going with duck this year
                        We don't do christmas dinner, we have nachos earlier on, with a hot chilli for mains.

                        We don't eat meat, and my bro is an ex chef so we have a full dinner when we visit we enjoy a chilli day on Christmas means we have a quick whizz round the shops and get guacamole/sour cream/nachos kit and the rest we have at home or have grown ourselves.

                        Can't stand spending all day cooking, esp as the outlaws come over in the afternoon so no way do I want to be faffing about all day.


                        • #13
                          We just have the 3 of us for Christmas day. Veg will be home grown as far as possible. Preparation gets done in advance as much as possible roast dinner doesn't need you to be in the kitchen all day so it works well.
                          mind you we do eat a lot of vegetarian food. We love it and a number of our friends are vegetarians. OH is the king of curries. Makes them all from scratch and they do take hours in the kitchen. I think the roast at christmas is his easy cooking day


                          • #14
                            Nothing on earth will ever make me cook a roast on Christmas day again

                            It's more the faff than the actual cooking; and the tidying up after. No way jose.


                            • #15
                              If the qweather's as nice as last year,I think we might have a picnic in the woods.
                              It's always such a rush as we have to visit Andi's mum in the morning...passing the Dales on the way & the kiddies always ask to go there.So maybe this year!
                              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


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