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Advice on implants?


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  • #31
    Copied from >>>Here<<<

    How much do dental implants cost?

    The price of dental implants tends to vary considerably and depends on several factors, including the level of skill of the surgeon, the type/quality/brand of implant used, the clinic where the treatment is carried out, the level of aftercare service provided, the amount of work required (i.e., bone grafting) and the number of implants required. In the UK, the costs of a single tooth implant can vary from �800 up to �3,000.



    • #32
      Originally posted by Alison View Post
      Went to the dentists last week for the first time in about 16 years - no phobia but no pain either so why bother. Got nagged by OH to go so got round to it. Anyway, totally clean bill of health (sorry to gloat!) and he doesn't want to see me for another year so all good!
      I'm the same, it seems I remember to go about every 4 years, thinking it must be time for a clean. But for the last 8 years they have said nothing needs doing not even a clean. Went away happy, but recently I realised it's because the NHS system has changed. So now they want you out as quick as poss, unless they are going to make some money.

      So these days they can decide if they will provide a bridge instead of a denture plate for a tooth, but because doing a bridge takes time, then they will only offer a denture plate on the NHS.

      On the plus side, it does mean they no longer pull out teeth for no apparent reason.


      • #33
        Cheers for that Geo, interesting reading.

        Seems its a bargain here, as I suspected it would be.

        Ok, I'm going in!!!!!!!!!!!
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #34
          Good luck Bob - stiff upper lip an' all that!!


          • #35
            YAY!!! Go for it. Just sign on the dotted line and do it.


            • #36
              Having had problems with my teeth from a young age I soon learned to get used to them. I think dentists now are a lot better than they used to be and a lot of fear of dentists in the "older generation" is probably warranted, but you'll be surprised nowadays.

              Anyway - around ten years ago I got into a bit of an "altercation" outside a night club (50 or so people brawl, police turning up etc etc, but I shan't bore you), and during the fracas I was knocked to the floor and when I managed to get up again was treated to some amateur dentistry by some loon. One of my front teeth (actually to the left of the fronts) was broken in two lengthways into the gum. Result was that the remainder of the tooth had to be removed and I was left with a where the tooth should have been. This was shortly after I'd met LadyWayne and I have to say that when her Mum (my now mother-in-law) met me she was not best impressed - a boy from Luton, getting himself into fights and now missing a tooth (which handily was just the right size for my cigarette to slot into - I smoked at the time).

              So, I went to the dentist and was quoted �300 to have it "crowned", and I was lucky enough that my Grandad offered to pay - so had it done.

              Like you say, involved having a "peg" screwed into my upper jaw and then an implant glued onto it.

              I was told at the time not to eat toffee, or bit apples (cutting them into chunks before eating) etc etc. Needless to say that I eat apples proper, and probably break all the rules, but It's caused me no trouble at all since *touches wood*.

              I must say that the dentist did a very good job, and you probably wouldn't be able to tell. It felt very odd at the time as it is slightly bigger (thicker) than the others, but you soon get used to it.

              In summary - do it.
              A simple dude trying to grow veg.

              BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

              Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

              What would Vedder do?


              • #37
                Good on ya Boble, I am a dentophobe but in the same vein as Alison I have been fortunate although I hadn't been for 20 years when my OH dragged me in, believe me I gloated when he had to have 'work' done when I didn't
                Hayley B

                John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                • #38
                  Hey Bob, knowing how scared you are - I say go for it. It will be done under general anesthetic so you won't know anything about it and you shouldn't be able to tell the difference between your own and the new ones (unless it's badly made) once the swelling etc goes down.

                  The reason I say go for it is: plates etc will continue to cost as time goes by - your jaw will change over time and so you'll need it re-alined on a fairly regular basis, also they're not cheap either, 2k Plus normally.

                  However, if anything goes wrong with an implant, it should be free to repair as it means shoddy work in the first place. Even if you eat apples. They're normally made from a metal base layered with dental porcelain which is an incredible strong material!!

                  Oh yeah, guess what I do?

                  I make the implants!!


                  • #39
                    Thats where you're wrong Lizzy, I will be able to tell the difference. Mainly cos I dont have any of my own left.
                    About 2 years ago, all sat round the kitchen table in my house, with my eldest granddaughter sat on my lap, I suddenly noticed a terrible look of consternation on her face, as she was looking up at me.
                    "Granddad, there's something wrong" she said.
                    "Whats the matter?" I asked her, worried myself now, due to her look.

                    "You havent got much teeth!" came her concerned reply.

                    My daughter just about fell off the chair laughing.

                    I am having my 2 extractions tomorrow, (already petrified) then need to leave time for the swelling etc to go down before the first bit of the implant goes in.
                    I do hope nothing goes wrong and I have to come back and get it sorted out, air fare to Karachi isnt cheap!!
                    The ones I will be having are made from a titanium base? Would that be right?
                    She said that that for each jaw implant, that will support 2 teeth, again, is that right?

                    I should have asked her all these questions really, but as I was in a dentists, I just wanted to get out, I hate them.
                    Bob Leponge
                    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                      I do hope nothing goes wrong and I have to come back and get it sorted out, air fare to Karachi isnt cheap!!
                      You'll be fine. Actually the guy who took my teeth out was from Karachi ... maybe you'll get mine - they were good strong teeth, and he wouldn't give them back to me
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                        SL, I know its a bit personal but could I ask you to let me know how much your sisters teeth cost?
                        I'm really interested to know the cost of an implant in the UK/France compared to here.
                        Send it by PM if you like, but would appreciate it.
                        I doubt she'd know herself, Bob. She's a bit of a benefit queen, or at least was at the time of the teeth stuff!


                        • #42
                          Ok no worries.
                          I've been told its about 650 euro per 1 implant and 2 teeth, which from what I can see looks a real bargain.
                          All this is dependant on the treatment I get tomorrow when I go in for my extractions of course. If she turns out to be the Butcheress of Karachi I shant be going anywhere near the place ever again.
                          Bob Leponge
                          Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                          • #43
                            good luck bob!!!!!


                            • #44
                              Haven't been to dentist for ages. I have three teeth broken of at gum level but just to afraid to go. Fortunately at some stage the nerves have been removed so no pain and no incentive to visit the dentist.



                              • #45
                                Isnt it amazing how, when you're a paying customer, if you say "ow that hurts" they stop and listen to you!!
                                Had the 2 extractions done this morning, and whilst I cant say I enjoyed the experience, there were a few things that made it more tolerable.
                                The dentist.
                                More anaesthetic than was probably required.
                                Seeing what appeared to be Two Shed's removed teeth perfectly lined up on a jaw bone in the surgery, and finally...
                                When the procedure was finished, the dentists helper, a young Pakistani fellow of around 25 years of age, removed his white coat to reveal a black t-shirt with a Pearl Jam motif emblazoned all over it, just like HW's avatar. Must be Karma dude!!

                                Back a week today to remove the broken teeth from the back on the other side, and then should have the first bit of the implant done just before I go back home.

                                For 2 extractions, an xray and what seemed to me to be very good dentistry, I have just paid the princely sum of about 7 of the queens finest pounds. Not at all bad.
                                Now off for a lie down, cos still feel a bit wobbly.
                                Bob Leponge
                                Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


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