Very happy to report the safe arrival of our gorgeous baby boy, Isaac, nine days early, weighing in at 8lb 10 oz (man, am I glad he WAS early if he was going to carry on growing so well)
Brilliant homebirth, though a little dramatic - midwives didn't get here in time, so a worried but calm daddy delivered his own son safely, and his harder-than-she-looks mummy managed on nowt but the promise of Champagne afterwards (it worked). We had a birthpool set up but only got a few inches of water in the bottom so my knees were nice and warm at least.
Happily all went smoothly and everyone was healthy and happy immediately afterwards, and it was all quite amazing really (naughtily, I felt a tiny bit excited as soon as I knew we were "on our own" so to speak...).
Our gorgeous little girl is a big sister at only 18 months old herself, and she's being spoiled by everyone for taking things in her stride. Since had a couple of little things (cursed mastitis for one!) just to keep our feet on the ground, but nothing that wipes the smiles off our faces!
In the latter weeks of pregnancy was in consultant care for 'expecting an enormous baby;' 'not putting any weight on' (I stayed pretty small) and 'how can both be true at once?' Quite. All totally normal despite what I think was consultant trying to scare me out of homebirth!
Anyhoo. Big thank you to those who left PM's and other messages, soz for not keeping up to date here. My 'attendance' on t'Vine has been so skittish of late I thought you'd all have forgotten me!
Brilliant homebirth, though a little dramatic - midwives didn't get here in time, so a worried but calm daddy delivered his own son safely, and his harder-than-she-looks mummy managed on nowt but the promise of Champagne afterwards (it worked). We had a birthpool set up but only got a few inches of water in the bottom so my knees were nice and warm at least.
Happily all went smoothly and everyone was healthy and happy immediately afterwards, and it was all quite amazing really (naughtily, I felt a tiny bit excited as soon as I knew we were "on our own" so to speak...).
Our gorgeous little girl is a big sister at only 18 months old herself, and she's being spoiled by everyone for taking things in her stride. Since had a couple of little things (cursed mastitis for one!) just to keep our feet on the ground, but nothing that wipes the smiles off our faces!
In the latter weeks of pregnancy was in consultant care for 'expecting an enormous baby;' 'not putting any weight on' (I stayed pretty small) and 'how can both be true at once?' Quite. All totally normal despite what I think was consultant trying to scare me out of homebirth!
Anyhoo. Big thank you to those who left PM's and other messages, soz for not keeping up to date here. My 'attendance' on t'Vine has been so skittish of late I thought you'd all have forgotten me!
