Saturday was the Garden Society Autumn Show. I entered 28 classes but had to drop out of 9 at the last minute, but I walked away with:
4 x 1sts (Dahlias, Plum Jam, display of curcubits, Fruit Flan)
4 x 2nds (Bakewell Tart, Tea Bread, Parsnips, Onions)
7 x 3rds (Tray of 4 types of veg, Shallots, Floral Art entry, Specimin Dahlia, vase of garden flowers, grapes, Poigniant War photo)
and a mahoosive cup for 'Best Dahlias', which were 'Dandy mixed' grown from seed this year, and have flowered their socks off all summer, bless the little darlings
I'll try and bung a photo on for you.
I'm dead chuffed.
Saturday was the Garden Society Autumn Show. I entered 28 classes but had to drop out of 9 at the last minute, but I walked away with:
4 x 1sts (Dahlias, Plum Jam, display of curcubits, Fruit Flan)
4 x 2nds (Bakewell Tart, Tea Bread, Parsnips, Onions)
7 x 3rds (Tray of 4 types of veg, Shallots, Floral Art entry, Specimin Dahlia, vase of garden flowers, grapes, Poigniant War photo)
and a mahoosive cup for 'Best Dahlias', which were 'Dandy mixed' grown from seed this year, and have flowered their socks off all summer, bless the little darlings

I'll try and bung a photo on for you.
I'm dead chuffed.