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an heavy issue ... that may cause offence


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  • #31
    I'd be hard pushed to find 8 pairs of shoes, that's including my Wellies and Dr martin's
    Being a big lass, I don't like heels.
    Last edited by ginger ninger; 28-09-2009, 09:05 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by louisesgarden View Post
      shoes !!! i think maybe 8 pairs is to many, but they have to match my outfits !
      Ditch half the outfits, then you won't need so many pairs of shoes!


      • #33
        i'm off to engerland on wednesday cos its the OH's 60th birthday this weekend and he wants to spend it with the family....i take very little ( and I shall wear my heaviest clothes and a coat) but will be bringing back at least 10 packets of tea, a bottle of worcester sauce, a pair of salter scales (cheaper in argos than here) Epson Printer inks , Pour N' Store freeezer bags (cant find them here)a meat thermometer, a jam thermometer a potato masher (cant find them here) powdered gelatine (found it here once but cant find it now i need more for making pannacotta) a laptop (cheaper in PC World than here), J cloths (they do a type here but they arent very good) Ranitidene (For indigestion - cheaper in Boots/Tescos) Cod Liver Oil tablets, A M&S Bra, and some jeans/trousers from Primark (clothes here only go up to size 14) That enough to fill up the suitcase........
        have i gone off subject ....sorry


        • #34
          Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
          Being a big lass, I don't like heels.
          being a short lass I don't like heels either

          Originally posted by shoreham_steve View Post
          Ditch half the outfits, then you won't need so many pairs of shoes!


          • #35
            I have one pair of walking boots, and a pair of baseball boots. That's it!

            (I did have more, but my wonky foot wouldn't fit them, so I got rid of all of them.)

            edit: Oops, I lied I still have my thigh high black suede boots... Might never fit in them again, but I love them so much, they've gone into storage!
            Last edited by SarzWix; 28-09-2009, 10:03 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Jardiniere View Post
              i'm off to engerland on wednesday cos its the OH's 60th birthday this weekend and he wants to spend it with the family....i take very little ( and I shall wear my heaviest clothes and a coat) but will be bringing back at least 10 packets of tea, a bottle of worcester sauce, a pair of salter scales (cheaper in argos than here) Epson Printer inks , Pour N' Store freeezer bags (cant find them here)a meat thermometer, a jam thermometer a potato masher (cant find them here) powdered gelatine (found it here once but cant find it now i need more for making pannacotta) a laptop (cheaper in PC World than here), J cloths (they do a type here but they arent very good) Ranitidene (For indigestion - cheaper in Boots/Tescos) Cod Liver Oil tablets, A M&S Bra, and some jeans/trousers from Primark (clothes here only go up to size 14) That enough to fill up the suitcase........
              have i gone off subject ....sorry
              Nope, that's usually what happens when we go to new york; mostly stock up on gum, clothes, camera stuff, seeds and sudafed [although it is harder now that you have to give your name/address etc as they won't let you have it unregistered since the druggies started using it to make crack] of course goodies for the little ones.

              Jardiniere; for stuff [not clothes] I'm sure a Brit would happily get some of that and get it sent on.....the postage would be just about worth it wouldn't it?
              Last edited by zazen999; 28-09-2009, 10:01 PM.


              • #37
                400 pairs!??
                And I thought I was pushing it with 10 pairs of boots
                WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                • #38
                  There's shoe shops with less pairs of shoes than that!

                  Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                  Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                  • #39
                    At 46 I have only just discovered the joy of shoes! Prior to this I had;
                    Wellies - 1 pair
                    Riding boots - 1 pair
                    Smart Shoes - 1 pair
                    Trainers - 1 pair
                    Slippers - 1 pair

                    Now though I have 2 pairs work-boots, 1 pair long and 1 pair short riding boots, 2 pairs sandals, 3 pairs clogs, new, used and slipper substitute, 1 pair crocs, all in addition to the above. Luckily, I can no longer afford to buy more!
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • #40
                      1 pair sandals
                      1 pair wellies
                      1 pair trainers (for when it's too cold for sandals)
                      3 pairs 'posh' sandals, 2 of which I will never wear again as they are uncomfortable.
                      That is quite enough for me!
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                      • #41
                        400 prs. I'm stunned. Until I met my OH I lived in Steel toe workshoes, Wellies long (cheap) riding boots or trainers, with one pr smart courts for 'posh'.
                        Now I've got Pink DMs, sandals, winter long riding boots, summer leather long riding boots, short mountain horse riding boots (but they're multi-purpose cos i never muck out in them so they're smart (yes i do have horses too its not a fetish lol) about 3 prs of knee high boots couple prs smart shoes and trainers too!!! And I thought that was way over the odds.
                        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                        • #42
                          It's a piece of cake to get more than your allowance onto a plane. Really easy.

                          I've travelled carry-on only and was WAY over the weight limit... just put your heavy clothes on.

                          When I got on the flight I was wearing my walking boots, 2 pairs of jeans, a jumper, a fleece, a body warmer and a jacket with all sorts of bits and bobs stuffed into pockets. My bag came in on weight and fit into the little cage thing they check your bag's size with.
                          I must have looked at least an extra 3 stone!

                          The instant I was at my seat I took all but a teeshirt, the boots and the two pairs of jeans off.

                          I put it all straight into my rucksack but an alternative plan would be to take one of those shopping bags that pack away to the size of a small purse, unfold it in the cabin and stick all your extra clobber in there. Just don't be too blatant about getting all the extra kit off or you'll ruin it for the rest of us when the airlines clamp down on it... then we'll have to keep the gear on for thew whole flight.

                          As for that many shoes for a short break... not necessary at all...
                          As for that many in general... ditto... but with added "I think you need help".


                          • #43
                            I think 400 pairs of shoes is probably a touch excessive for non shoe fetishists, however my collection of books is quite clearly more than is really necessary, and I'm sure there are many people on here who have more seeds than they are really likely to use.
                            I suppose its just the object that differs amongst people.

                            I have to agree a bit with you Louise, I fly often, and it really really does offend me when I'm stuck in the middle of 2 overweight people who cant get into their own seats, so "merge" into a bit of mine.
                            I was once on a flight to Dubai, on a business class ticket, (not paid by me I hasten to add) and got on to find business class all full. Quick hunt for my seat finds somewhat portly fellow sat in there. Asked him if he could possibly get up and move, as it would appear he was in the wrong place, and he very nicely explained that he was terribly sorry but he couldnt move. This was the only seat left in business class so he took it, as he couldnt actually fit into the economy seating. The ensuing nonsense meant the plane was over an hour late taking off, he simply refused to move, saying he had bought a ticket so the airline was duty bound to fly him, and it wasnt his fault their seating wasnt large enough. I stood my ground too, politely, as I had a business class ticket in my hands, and didnt want to waste it. The stress was clearly getting to the poor man as he continued to stuff chocolate in his face for the entire duration of the spat.
                            After said Mexican stand off, he was eventually removed by ground security at the airport in Paris, but he didnt go quietly.
                            Bob Leponge
                            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                            • #44
                              2 weeks ago on the way back from holiday my friend and i got STUNG with the baggage trap, my suitcase was 17kg going out, i only brought back 3 t-shirts and a bottle of vodka, but the check in bloke told me i was 4 kg over the 20kg limit......... i also had no hand luggage!!!!! so he charged me 60 yes 60 euro!!!!!!!! it was so early in the morning that i wasn't thinking so i handed the money over, he put it in his pocket!!!! I am trying to argue my case with our travel company but don't hold out much hope,


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by organic View Post
                                It's a piece of cake to get more than your allowance onto a plane.... just put your heavy clothes on.

                                I was going to suggest that, but how could she wear 8 pairs of shoes ? As avant-garde jewellery I guess.

                                I hate sitting next to big people, they always squash me. I now refuse to sit next to Mr Sheds, even on a bus, because he takes up half of my seat (he's 18 stone, I am 9).
                                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 29-09-2009, 09:52 AM.
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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