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Highgrove Gardens... Here I Come!


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  • #16
    Oh Wellie, how wonderful for you, you must have been beside yourself with excitement. As usual, you manage to make me feel as if I was there with you - I think I have said before, have you ever thought of giving up gardening and writing for a living Or.... perhaps, gardening for HRH himself
    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


    • #17
      Thanks for your description Wellie. Wish I was there with you! Glad you had a super time.
      Bernie aka DDL

      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


      • #18
        Wow - what a description - and a bit of encouragement for the rest of us. I know that my veg plot ain't perfect, but I'm really proud of it nonetheless. And when you see it, you know what an inspirational garden looks like. Thanks Wellie for posting this thread!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #19
          Fab description Wellie, glad you had a great time
          WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


          • #20
            Sounds awesome Wellie.
            No need for me to go there now, I've just virtually visited thanks to your description.

            Now dont forget your passport next week!!
            Bob Leponge
            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


            • #21
              Okay.... I've washed and ironed everything in the entire building, just in case we need to take it on holiday? And Trouses hasn't noticed at all. He did notice that I'd got the suitcases out, so he is kind of paying attention?

              And....Wow! I know it's a Sunday evening, and I've just updated our Funny Farm Blog, but having just read what you've written on this thread, you lot have actually brought a tear to my eyes - seriously..... That's high praise indeed me thinks. X and bless you with knobs on for that.... XX

              But if I've got the remotestness of gift of any gab, phone someone famous that you know, because I'm too shy to promote myself for my own good, and I'd just LOVE to write, given half the opportunity.

              Can you imagine The Flobalobs going to Highgrove children??!!
              No, me neither!

              Please do read the tail end of The Funny Farm Blog, and if anyone seriously wants more information of the plantings and stuff, I'm confident that I can find out....
              Takes one to know one Your Highness!


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