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Madness! Absolute madness!


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  • #16
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm lead to believe ALL dogs should, when travelling, be either behind a secure dog-guard OR strapped to seatbelt with a proper canine car harness. You can buy these in just about any decent pet shops (and probably the not so decent ones too)
    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


    • #17
      Is this the person in question?

      YouTube - Dog Drives Car!!
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #18
        Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
        Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm lead to believe ALL dogs should, when travelling, be either behind a secure dog-guard OR strapped to seatbelt with a proper canine car harness. You can buy these in just about any decent pet shops (and probably the not so decent ones too)
        Yup, that's correct... however, since quite a lot of the general dog-owning public can't even manage to pick up poo or have a collar tag, the whole secure travelling thing is obviously a bit much for them


        • #19
          Perhaps that woman is 'parking' the ciggy in the dog's mouth inbetween puffs - after all it can be difficult to hold ciggy and drive at same time... especially when you've got a dog on your lap and a kid in the back...


          • #20
            Originally posted by scarey55 View Post
            So dangerous, I agree, I wonder how much she thinks of the child to put it in danger like that.
            Since the kid is most likely strapped in securely - sod the kid!

            It is this kind of person who kills cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians on a daily basis...
   fact, this kind of driver is the very reason I haven't ridden my bicycle in about 5 years and though I'd love to, still haven't plucked up the courage to go for my CBT and get a motorbike licence.

            I enjoy being ALIVE too much to put myself at the mercy of brain-dead oxygen thieves like that. After a single day where I had 3 "near death" moments riding my bike on a single road (about 2.5 miles from joining to leaving it) and another 1 or 2 on the way back home I hung up my bike and haven't been out on it since. I feel like I'm in prison not getting out on a bike.
            I'm starting to get the urge so much now that I'll probably overhaul my bike and start riding again soon - but the thought of being back out there with that kind of brain-donor genuinely scares me.

            People like this should be LOCKED UP as they are a bigger danger to the public than the typical gun-toting inner-city council estate gangster!

            If they kill (or, for that matter hurt) anyone in any kind of accident while driving like that they should face a lengthy prison sentence.


            (Now, come on Organic, stop sitting on the fence and tell us what you really think about it.)


            • #21
              I can't tell you all some of the things that I've seen while driving as its a family forum. Sat up there in a HGV you would be suprised (or maybe not) what others do while driving up the motorway.
              One of the tamer ones - Northbound on the M6 around Lancaster ,temperature gauge reading -1, dry sunny Saturday morning.
              Audi A4 soft top - down . One naked man with only one hand on the wheel- you can guess the rest.
              Last edited by beefy; 07-10-2009, 06:53 PM.
              There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


              • #22
                When we were in the car the other day the road was busy & a woman driver coming the other way seemed to be holding up a line of traffic behind her as she tried to turn right into a side road. Being a gent my O.H. slowed to let her cross in front of us. As she turned she smiled & waved thank you whilst busily talking on her mobile phone in her other hand! She wasn't even going into the side road, just using it to scoot round in & rejoining the traffic behind us!
                Into every life a little rain must fall.


                • #23
                  Complete madness not only as pointed out the dog on her lap is a danger as it can quite obviously cause sooo many obstacles to driving its stupid then smoking a ciggy therefore making it harder again to drive AND THEN smoking a ciggy with a child in the car. This woman should be BANNED!!!

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                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jax View Post
                    This woman should be BANNED!!!
                    Nice choice of words (intentional or otherwise).

                    Not just banned from driving... banned outright!


                    • #25
                      In a previous life when I used to travel the motorways day after day, in a Land Rover Discovery - you are so high up, you see lots of mad things in cars, girls putting on make up was common, but the young lady with a bowl of cereal in her lap (complete with milk) and a spoon in her hand was priceless

                      Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by digthatchick View Post
                        In a previous life when I used to travel the motorways day after day, in a Land Rover Discovery - you are so high up, you see lots of mad things in cars, girls putting on make up was common, but the young lady with a bowl of cereal in her lap (complete with milk) and a spoon in her hand was priceless
                        My sons ex gf told us she did that and was putting on make up, mad mad mad, I told her off even though it was before my son knew her.
                        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                        and ends with backache


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by digthatchick View Post
                          In a previous life when I used to travel the motorways day after day, in a Land Rover Discovery - you are so high up, you see lots of mad things in cars, girls putting on make up was common, but the young lady with a bowl of cereal in her lap (complete with milk) and a spoon in her hand was priceless
                          LOL I have to say Disco's are great for snooping aren't they! Not that I'm nosey, you understand, honest!
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • #28
                            I quite often see a young lady driving a 4x4 now picture this Phone in left hand phone to her right ear how crazy is that....
                            If i told some of the things ihave seen on motorways from the cab of a lorry i would be banned of here..jacob
                            What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                            Ralph Waide Emmerson


                            • #29
                              Watched, helpless as a driver failed to stop, hit the car in front (at a set of pedestrian lights) and the driver - who was not wearing a belt - submarined under the steering wheel.

                              Amazingly, apart from minor damage to assorted light clusters, everyone walked away with only bruses.

                              I have been knocked off my bike by a lorry, I have seen a boy run out into the road and be hit by a car.

                              Anyone who shows such a blatent disregard to safety as having unsecured pets or children or when hands free kits are so cheap still holds a phone to their ear while driving in the car should have their car taken away!
                              The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by TPeers View Post

                                Anyone who shows such a blatent disregard to safety as having unsecured pets or children or when hands free kits are so cheap still holds a phone to their ear while driving in the car should have their car taken away!

                                Couldn't agree more TPeers. When I changed contracts back in March I got the hands free kit/ carholder/charger along with the phone . �30 not much when you consider the sentence for death by dangerous driving.
                                There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


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