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Online Addictions


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  • #61
    Ok Runescape is dull, and slow and I can't do the quests!
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


    • #62
      Originally posted by FionaH View Post
      Ok Runescape is dull, and slow and I can't do the quests!
      RS is neither dull nor slow. Go fight something!!!!! or smith something, or mine something or.....The list goes on. My OH is rubbish at quests so I do them for him


      • #63
        Originally posted by FionaH View Post
        No, you havent seen the state of my house!
        Nor mine. That's the trouble when you both have online addictions


        • #64
          I don't really play it anymore and you're right, Runescape can be dull but it can also be exciting. In the past I've gone into the wilderness with my heart hammering ten to the dozen, on the phone to my brother and both of us ready to run or log out as we looked for dots on the map that signified another player coming to kill us (yes, I'm a chicken!)! Those days are gone but the wilderness still isn't safe and there are specific worlds where you can kill or be killed by other people (I don't go there ). There are some places on the map and quests you can do that are still just as scary despite it being a game!

          There is lots to the game and it takes a while to get into but if you stick at it for a while, once you get into it, it can be very addictive. Unlike wow which can take 20 minutes just travelling from one area to another you can just pop on and have 10 minutes playing (though you may want to play for longer!). If you're the slightest bit competetive you may well find yourself spending "just another 5 minutes" making bows or amulets or fishing or cooking or one of the many skills in the game as you are quite close to your next level . Again unlike wow, you can either play the whole game solo or with others and you can do anything in the game that you want to as skills aren't capped and linked to combat levels. And it's free (though limited if you're not a member) but even membership is a fraction of of the price other online games.

          The runescape forums (the adult ones) are full of players that have gone from rs to wow (me included) and then after wow has fizzled, go back to rs.

          Of course, it's not for everyone
          Last edited by Twinsane; 09-10-2009, 06:31 PM. Reason: typo
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          • #65
            Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
            You're evil ... just killed the dragon right at the beginning!
            Never test the depth of the water with both feet

            The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

            Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


            • #66
              Originally posted by RedThorn View Post
              You're evil ... just killed the dragon right at the beginning!
              Beware RT it is hugely addictive!
              Check out Bahehemoth on the hiscores. He's been playing less than a year


              • #67
                deleted the link from my lappy Incy, I really cannot afford to lose even more time getting addicted to this... sob, sigh
                Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by RedThorn View Post
                  deleted the link from my lappy Incy, I really cannot afford to lose even more time getting addicted to this... sob, sigh
                  You can always find it again by googling runescape


                  • #69
                    OI you! Norty step with you! ... ps you can use the wireless connection that I installed there to get online
                    Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                    The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                    Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                    • #70
                      Lol thanks RT. I'm off. Is there coffee and cake too? I'm starting to get peckish.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Incy View Post
                        Beware RT it is hugely addictive!
                        Check out Bahehemoth on the hiscores. He's been playing less than a year
                        Blimey! I've played 7 years and he's way in front of me! Does he sleep?!
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                        • #72
                          Yup but he doesn't work. Lol.


                          • #73
                            I have been corrected by Bahehemoth. Apparently he has in fact been playing for 22 months. Still that's quite alot less than 7 years


                            • #74
                              Yeah, yeah! Because I rarely play, every time I do there has been tons of new things added (excuses ) . He probably knows ten times more than I do!
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                              • #75
                                You have no idea how much research he does. It's like a job!


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