In order to provide a little Ying to zebedee's Grumpy Old Git Yang I'd like to list the things that make me happy (which is a large proportion of the time), feel free to add yours, whatever they may be.
People saying thank you, and meaning it.
Beans' smile when he sees me walk through the door.
Making other people happy.
Next now selling XXLong trousers (37" inside leg don't you know!)
Eating stuff I've grown myself from seed.
Seeing other people enjoy eating stuff I've grown from seed.
Listening to good music, and nothing else.
Being given good service.
Being outside in the sun.
Being outside in the cold, but having the choice to go somewhere warm.
Being outside in the rain, but having the choice to go somewehere dry.
Cooking for other people.
Mock the Week.
Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
Indian takeaway.
A good book.
A cold beer on a warm day.
Giving gifts.
Figuring stuff out.
A fry up on a Saturday morning.
Michael McIntyre.
This place.
People saying thank you, and meaning it.
Beans' smile when he sees me walk through the door.
Making other people happy.
Next now selling XXLong trousers (37" inside leg don't you know!)
Eating stuff I've grown myself from seed.
Seeing other people enjoy eating stuff I've grown from seed.
Listening to good music, and nothing else.
Being given good service.
Being outside in the sun.
Being outside in the cold, but having the choice to go somewhere warm.
Being outside in the rain, but having the choice to go somewehere dry.
Cooking for other people.
Mock the Week.
Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
Indian takeaway.
A good book.
A cold beer on a warm day.
Giving gifts.
Figuring stuff out.
A fry up on a Saturday morning.
Michael McIntyre.
This place.