I have clicked on 'Mark this Forum read' at least 5 times this evening. Yet, when I come back to the Poota and open 'The Vine' it shows me all these 'unread' threads. So I eagerly (like a saddo) click on them, and it takes me to posts I read when I got in from work at about half 4 (it's now half 9)!
Ya know I love you lot (well, most of you LOL), and I love catching up, but I don't want to keep re-reading the same posts! Anyone know why this happens?
I'm on XP Pro and Google Chrome if it makes an iota of difference. Perhaps I should learn more about how the bleep thing works LOL.
Ya know I love you lot (well, most of you LOL), and I love catching up, but I don't want to keep re-reading the same posts! Anyone know why this happens?
I'm on XP Pro and Google Chrome if it makes an iota of difference. Perhaps I should learn more about how the bleep thing works LOL.
