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  • #46
    Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
    Every time you tick a box on a survey - a fairy dies.

    I ticked the occasional treat box. We eat meat fairly frequently but in small quantities. Eat quite a lot of fish too. I try to only buy free range, organic stuff, and can spin a chicken out over 8 meals (stock for risotto, chicken curry, ravioli filling, etc.). I tend to buy a joint of beef and mince/cube/thinly slice it into portions for various meals. We eat a fair bit of meat-free food too!

    It's pretty rare for us just to eat a pile of meat like a roast or something. Mr R likes a nice steak though.
    I don't roll on Shabbos


    • #47
      Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
      Where's the 'I'm a vegetarian but it has nothing to do with climate change' button?
      Thanks Andrea, I thought it was just me that missed it!

      Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


      • #48
        Originally posted by northepaul View Post
        Considering what is pumped into animals before they are slaughtered ..

        Please expand on this statement
        There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


        • #49
          I am a pre war2 baby and that makes me a little out of touch with the culture of today's food. I developed on wartime rationing. Meat, dairy products and sweet things were out of bounds, only daydreams. I remember the real excitement buzzing in our street when the news that 'bananas' were on sale for greenbook only holders at the greengrocers. My brother was born 1940 and with his 'greenbook' in hand I queued for the 'bananas'. I was then 7 and had never tasted them.
          In the 1950's delights such as biscuits and confectionery started to reappear.
          I can still recall my exquisite delight at the new flavours.
          That said I, sometimes, am at a loss to understand 'fussy eaters' and the emphasise on hygiene.
          Maybe I am as I am today, strong, fit and healthy because the food I ate as a child was plain and wholesome but above all organic.


          • #50
            Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
            Every time you tick a box on a survey - a fairy dies.
            STOP ticking, Piskies are from the same place as fairies STTOOOP


            • #51
              I have tried to delete the above because it is out of sinc with the thread but cannot do it. Sorry


              • #52
                Originally posted by Brengirl View Post
                I have tried to delete the above because it is out of sinc with the thread but cannot do it. Sorry
                I might not be the best person to set your mind at ease...being one of the worse culprits for random posts(they fit in my mind!)...but I think your last post had relevance!We have got to a stage where we expect to be able to buy cheap huge cuts of meat to provide the majority of a meal & the other stuff is almost decoration(by "we" I mean Nation as a whole,I'm guessing it's probably not the case with a lot of folk on here?)

                That said...if you want to delete a post you need to click on "edit" & the option to "delete this post" should come up.Click the box & then click "save changes"...just consider if you do,my post is going to look totally stoopid & I'm out all day!
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • #53
                  Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                  STOP ticking, Piskies are from the same place as fairies STTOOOP
                  Don't worry - I don't

                  Bren - I totally agree with Di - your post is completely relevant and just shows how far we have come in going from imports being the 'new best thing' - to being the 'new bad thing'...
                  Last edited by zazen999; 05-11-2009, 09:26 AM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by beefy View Post
                    Please expand on this statement
                    I mean hormones, steroids, anti-biotics... etc. I am talking about non free range or organic meat here.


                    • #55
                      Theres lots in this post i agrre with.
                      Many good veggies still rely on dairy produce so what do you do with surplus calves? Who will maintain the land which is no good for growing crops? Sheep formed much of the landscape we have in Britain, and i would hate to see any more of it turned into the vast prairie fields that have destroyed hedges, bird homes, small rodent and bug havens.
                      Theres no option for 'I like meat but dont eat much, cos we cant afford it' and anyway we eat veggie too cos we both enjoy veggie food.
                      Power stations still contrbute more to global warming than cattle.
                      And scientists and politicians from two sides of an argument can ALWAYS prove that theyre right and produce figures and science that totally contradicts each other.
                      Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Alison View Post
                        Never said that the business men in China didnt' benefit also, just said that we in the West should take our part of the blame.
                        It isn't just 'the business men' who benefit from being able to sell things to the rest of the world. What would they be selling if we didn't buy their crappy stuff?
                        It isn't exactly surprising that China wants to catch up with the "GDP per person" figures so common in 'the West' (interesting term, because a major part of 'the West' is closer to China going EAST), and the only way they can do that is trade.
                        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                        • #57
                          What an interesting and thought provoking thread. I could go on forever with my own thoughts on the subject, but will just mention a few I believe to be pertinent. I think we should all do our bit to try and ease global warming but the only ones that will make a difference are governments. The concept of global vegetarianism is a bit like the debates on communism in the last century, excellent theory but totally impossible in practice. The government could start by making sure that every man woman and child in the country has enough land available to grow their own fruit and vegetables. With over 100,000 people waiting for a lottie surely giving them their wish would be a good move in easing global warming.



                          • #58
                            I'm afraid I am more concerned about people driving gas-guzzlers and people flying off all over the world in nasty big flappy clanky things to worry about a few cows producing methane. I read a very funny 'skit' on this about 15 years ago where the spoof writer was blaming vegetarians for producing too many gases. Of course I can't find it now. Global warming does exist (sorry if your a denialist), scientists of any repute, even those not paid by Governments, have produced evidence to show it and only the very, very, head in the sand would deny it. But killing off all the food animals will not solve it. I'm comfortably off but I don't even have a car. That is not because I believe one person not having one will help much, but because I don't need a car. If we go to Europe on holiday we usually go by train, not plane. Not just because it is greener but because it is more enjoyable. People need to learn to think about their life styles.
                            Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

                            Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
                            >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


                            • #59
                              try summer or winter savory with beans ect. this is supposed to have flatulence reducing properties


                              • #60
                                what a load of blox ... *she says munching on a bacon butty, with real butter


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