I haven't been able to get out much lately and the garden (veg and flower) is more than a touch neglected.
I managed to go dig some parsnips earlier while no2 son is napping.
I dug 2 beautifully straight whoppers (roasting them tonight) which put a smile on my face... then I discovered the white carrots sown AGES ago are ready so pulled them for tea too.
But what made my smile grow huge was discovering that the runner beans that I hadn't got round to chopping down have been busy in my absence and I got 2 big handfuls of beans. Thought they'd finished ages ago! Must be the mild weather we are having.
Happy me now
I managed to go dig some parsnips earlier while no2 son is napping.
I dug 2 beautifully straight whoppers (roasting them tonight) which put a smile on my face... then I discovered the white carrots sown AGES ago are ready so pulled them for tea too.
But what made my smile grow huge was discovering that the runner beans that I hadn't got round to chopping down have been busy in my absence and I got 2 big handfuls of beans. Thought they'd finished ages ago! Must be the mild weather we are having.
Happy me now
