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  • #31
    The best scar I have ever seen is my fathers, runs from his right armpit to his left hip all the way across his stomach from a kidney problem in his youth.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
      he did his chin himself though: cycled into a stationary lorry
      I bet he's thankful it wasn't a stationery lorry - he could have received a nasty papercut!
      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

      What would Vedder do?


      • #33
        I've got a lovely huge scar on my right elbow after slipping on a tiled floor nearly 10 years ago when my springer puppy as she was then pee'd on the floor. Smashed up elbow and broken wrist...2 ops later, still not good even after all this time!

        Mr TK however, can top mine!!

        At 18, he had an argument with a car windscreen and lost, unfortunately they couldn't save his right eye and he had 100 stitches in his face! Then they had to investigate inside, so he has a long scare all the way down his stomach, but my bionic man is still gorgeous! Apparently, they do say (so he says!) men's looks can be enhanced by scars, whereas it can be quite traumatic for women, especially on the face. Hence the reason he only got �250 compensation!!

        BTW Zebedee........Mr TK wants to know if that is a Harley in your Aviator? As he has a Nightrain!
        Mr TK's blog:
        2nd Jan early tomato sowing.

        Video build your own Poly-tunnel


        • #34
          Originally posted by andi&di View Post
          It amazes me kid brothers/sisters rarely manage to kill each other!!!
          Sadly none of the injuries my sister and I inflicted on each other left any scars....

          What I did to my sister (on purpose)
          Kicked her face against a radiator and knocked 2 teeth out
          Cracked a vertebrae in her back by jumping on her
          Burnt her arm with very hot water

          What she did to me (on purpose)
          Split my head open by dropping a weight on it
          Bit my arm so hard she ripped the skin and drew blood
          Broke my nose by throwing a book at me

          No wonder my mum was glad when we grew up and moved out!!


          • #35
            Crikey, this thread is making me quite glad that I'm an only child

            Can't top the impressive range above but I have a reasonably dramatic emergency appendectomy scar and a missing finger-tip thanks to a potato peeling faux pas.
            I was feeling part of the scenery
            I walked right out of the machinery
            My heart going boom boom boom
            "Hey" he said "Grab your things
            I've come to take you home."


            • #36
              I'm one of 4 Seahorse, and none of us did this kind of stuff to each other... My kids don't do it to each other either; although plenty of shouting & screeching goes on it rarely descends into physical violence


              • #37
                One of my sons accidently dropped his little brother not once but twice ( seperate occasions ) and youngest put his teeth through his lip both times, we tease older one about dropping him to this day. When he is tired his lip has a lump on it.
                I used to argue with my middle sister but it never ended up with us doing any damage, I once locked her on the veranda for hours, another time I shook the tomato sauce bottle at her, yep the lid came off and we ended up in fits of laughter trying to clear up before mum came home.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #38
                  I guy I used to know had one of the coolest scars ever, though 'it' came from two separate accidents. He fell through a plate glass window and cut his throat, had a v shaped scar that literally went from side to side. A year or so later, he fell out of a hayloft onto a wall with triangular coping, and split his cheek from jaw to forehead. The bottom part of the new scar joined up with the throat one and it looked like somebody had tried to cut his face off.

                  "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


                  • #39
                    operation scar, from heart operation (op done when I was not-quite 3), which makes it impossible for me to wear a bra for long. Scar on my ankle shaped like a 'division' symbol. Something to do with transfusion when at same time as heart op.
                    Almost invisible scar on tip of left middle finger where I misjudged cutting cucumbers in half on my Saturday job at a greengrocer's shop when I was 15.
                    That's about it.
                    Appendix scar doesn't count....
                    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                    • #40
                      Mine are a bit small but interesting.

                      Left palm where I drilled through it fitting a kitchen. Went right through and had to put drill in reverse to get bit out. The man I was fitting it for fainted when he saw me do it and split his head open. Looks like I was crucified when my hand gets hot.

                      One on my scalp at the back from crimbing up a wall on Scarborough sea front when under the influence, the top stone came off in my hand and hit me on the head. Could have been worse and hit me somewhere important.

                      Top lip, using a hot glue gun, the adhesive ran, so I scooped it up with my finger, it started to burn (yes I am stupid) so I put it in my mouth and it stuck to my top lip and moustache (yes I am really that stupid) and guess what it stuck to my lip, who would have thought it with it being a glue gun?

                      Right shin 9 inches long where two dogs gragged me over a wall leaving my leg behind.

                      Right little finger knuckle ..... you don't want to know and I won't incriminate myself.

                      Inner septum of my nose where they had to chisel it away after someone rearranged it for me.

                      Right middle finger bent where I broke the tendon, called a Mallet fracture because joiners used to have them when they hit their hand with a hammer.

                      Various stanley knife scars on hands.

                      Bit wussy really but I have tried over the years.

                      Can't beat my dad though who was electrocuted by a 33,000 nat grid cable and set on fire, 40% burns and his armpit blown out. Luckily the fire service were on hand to throw gravel and sand on him with their shovels. I think they were trying to bury him.


                      • #41
                        some serious scars on my tum from a few operations, shortest being 8-9inches longest nearly a foot... broken jaw, fingers and toes.... scars on arm and hand. severed 6 tendons and an entire nerve bundle... lol and a scar on my knee where I accidentally stabbed myself with a screwdriver when I was 5 lol oh and broken my nose too...

                        Don't like the scars on my tum so never go swimming anymore but the rest don't bother me
                        Last edited by RedThorn; 05-11-2009, 08:51 PM.
                        Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                        The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                        Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                        • #42
                          small scar on right hand little finger,cut to the bone on flint.
                          and an eight inch scar down my lower spine from a spinal fusion (2001)32 stapels to join it up also 3 inch scar where they took the bone to use to fill my fusion, along with two metal rods and four screws.
                          went for the op was cacking my self when i woke i was in intensive care after the surgeon had finished (he left his understudy to finish) i had a collapsed lung followed by 3 days on my back with c pap face mask trying to inflate my lung .


                          • #43
                            Ohhh, I have lots

                            Top lip, best mate and I skimming 45's at each other when aged 10.

                            Both ankles, anterior ligament reconstruction (playing rugby and hockey)

                            Right elbow, pins plates and screws following accident, second scar caused by removal of calcified atrophication of tissue.

                            Left shin, hit by a bullet in NI, thankfully it was a ricochette.

                            Left hand tripped over whilst holding a milk bottle

                            Left eyebrow, not looking where I was going and in a comedy moment walked into a lamppost (12 stitches).


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