Mr R's Birthday is nearly here and whilst I will make him a lovely cake, and give him one or two slightly more romantic pressies, his main one is going to be something to clear the wild bits of our allotment (bit of a Homer's Bowling Ball of a gift, but anyway).
Some of the lottie is fine but there are huge areas with well established brambles, weeds, triffids (thas what they look like), and hedges.
Our next door plot holder has just bought an electric hedge trimmer which is brill, and quite fancy one of those, but we need something pretty heavy duty I think to deal with the rest of the plot. What do you think I should go for? A strimmer-type thing? I'm not sure what to order and your input would be very helpful.
Whatever I get, when he opens it, his eyes will undoubtedly light up as he realises that I've just bought him days and days of hard graft clearing a year's worth of wild growth. "Darling, you shouldn't have...No, really, you shouldn't have."
Some of the lottie is fine but there are huge areas with well established brambles, weeds, triffids (thas what they look like), and hedges.
Our next door plot holder has just bought an electric hedge trimmer which is brill, and quite fancy one of those, but we need something pretty heavy duty I think to deal with the rest of the plot. What do you think I should go for? A strimmer-type thing? I'm not sure what to order and your input would be very helpful.
Whatever I get, when he opens it, his eyes will undoubtedly light up as he realises that I've just bought him days and days of hard graft clearing a year's worth of wild growth. "Darling, you shouldn't have...No, really, you shouldn't have."
