So, it was 7.30 yesterday evening, and I was trying to finish painting the landing at the new house, before we went back home to the old house. My OH had been getting everything together that we needed to take back with us, and in his special little way (
) he'd stacked everything infront of the front door.
Knock, knock, knock....
'Could you get that please honey?' reply...put down all my painty stuff, and stomp downstairs grumbling. Turn off radio. Move half a ton of 'stuff' to open front door a crack...and who should be on my doorstep?
None other than Lucy, Chairman of our Garden Society - what an honour!!
She handed me a piece of paper, said that the AGM is on Tuesday (17th), and they'd rather like it if I joined the committee!!!!! Whhhoooooo Hoooooo!!!!
I'm so happy!!!!!!!

Knock, knock, knock....
'Could you get that please honey?' reply...put down all my painty stuff, and stomp downstairs grumbling. Turn off radio. Move half a ton of 'stuff' to open front door a crack...and who should be on my doorstep?
None other than Lucy, Chairman of our Garden Society - what an honour!!
She handed me a piece of paper, said that the AGM is on Tuesday (17th), and they'd rather like it if I joined the committee!!!!! Whhhoooooo Hoooooo!!!!
I'm so happy!!!!!!!
