People who understand what my sister is like - hurrah!!. "Oh woah is me, I've got 3 kids....." and we all know the rest about how hard it is....don't get me started as I really can't have a major tantrum in the office I'm in. "Borrowing" money from everyone in the family without any intention of paying them back, bragging about having good holidays one minute, then complaining cos the caravan they stay in isn't big enough for all of them and the dog the next! I wish I could a/ have the time to take as many holidays as she does and b/ be able to afford it!! My parents are suckers for the "they're your grandchildren and you don't see them enough" line (cos it's my elderly parents fault that she moved 150 miles away to stay with her awful partner), and she uses this and other emotional blackmail on a regular basis.
Sorry, turned into a rant, instead of a "I understand and feel your pain" post OWG...
Sorry, turned into a rant, instead of a "I understand and feel your pain" post OWG...