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Stamp, stamp, shout, shout....


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  • #16
    People who understand what my sister is like - hurrah!!. "Oh woah is me, I've got 3 kids....." and we all know the rest about how hard it is....don't get me started as I really can't have a major tantrum in the office I'm in. "Borrowing" money from everyone in the family without any intention of paying them back, bragging about having good holidays one minute, then complaining cos the caravan they stay in isn't big enough for all of them and the dog the next! I wish I could a/ have the time to take as many holidays as she does and b/ be able to afford it!! My parents are suckers for the "they're your grandchildren and you don't see them enough" line (cos it's my elderly parents fault that she moved 150 miles away to stay with her awful partner), and she uses this and other emotional blackmail on a regular basis.

    Sorry, turned into a rant, instead of a "I understand and feel your pain" post OWG...


    • #17
      Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
      Also, if she has so much work to do in the form of childcare/shopping/bill paying how has she found the time to be mucking about on facebook?
      Don't even ask me about that!!! She is constantly on FB..... status updates every 20mins or so...


      • #18
        I'm so glad it's not just me!!

        Every so often I get sucked into feeling sorry for her, and wonder if I'm too harsh on her...then something like this happens...

        I could tell you about the fact she went out the other weekend for a friends birthday and spent �90 on an outfit...


        • #19
          Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
          I'm so glad it's not just me!!

          Every so often I get sucked into feeling sorry for her, and wonder if I'm too harsh on her...then something like this happens...
          I soooo know that one too!! Then you just get a slap in face and total disappointment that she truly doesn't give a monkey's about anyone else but herself!
          Last edited by zazen999; 16-11-2009, 04:41 PM.


          • #20
            My heart bleeds for you all. My daughter/sil having brought up their own family and are now grandparents. They are now on the foster parenting register. So far they have been the 'haven' for two disrupted families. There chosen task is to try to provide a stable and loving environment for damaged children but they know full well they can never ever repair the damage only try to heal it a little.


            • #21
              OOOhhhhhhh yep, I completely understand the rant now OWG go for it gal, but don't get me started, those 'situations' do my head in. I'm going before I say sommat I regret Luckily I don't 'do' FB.....
              Hayley B

              John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

              An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


              • #22
                having a so called rant is good for the system,it helps you adjust to what riles you in the first place lol,so carry on
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • #23
                  She sounds just like my OH's niece She has her mother (my SiL) running round after her like a headless chicken sometimes, but it's never good enough. She can't talk to us for longer than 5 minutes without it turning into a 'Woe is me' conversation... I had to leave my own house last time she was here when she started whingeing on about her mum doing something wrong. I had to sharply remind her that mine had just died, and then leave before I throttled the silly bitch

                  Sympathies OWG, you should be really proud of your restraint, it's not easy is it?!


                  • #24
                    Well done for keeping your counsel!

                    There's not a lot to be said in defence of her behaviour, throwing out her poor mum and all, but 20 is very young, and I actually thought there was something poignant about her fb thing. I know it's her choice to have the children so young, and I know she's behaving selfishly, but I dunno...maybe, like you say she DOES want to wallow in her misery a bit. Most people do at some point?

                    I know you know her and I'm sure she's got form, and I know you're a reasonable type so your rant is justified. Just wondering about another side to the story as well, I suppose. We're not all at our most level headed at 20 (speaking for myself certainly!) and maybe she's just looking at her friends and feeling a wee bit envious, even though she's made her choices?

                    I do feel for you MiL though...I bet she's missing her grandchildren like mad!
                    I don't roll on Shabbos


                    • #25
                      I bet the MIL is having a lovely 'Me' chill out time at her sister's not having to worry about her brat of a daughter or her grandchildren

                      Why do people indulge these selfish relatives? Unless they are desperately ill, why not just tell it like it is and let them lump it or like it?

                      If they choose to throw a wobbler and not speak to you for a while, would you consider that to be a punishment, or a reward, for your frankness?
                      If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


                      • #26
                        Having been a single mum with four boys who were very much wanted and loved by me and ex OH who decided after 18yrs of marriage that he wanted out, and got away with paying �12.50p each child a week in maintanence. I so wish I had relatives who had helped me out. My mum bless her did her best but as she was in her 70's 80's I didnt expect her to help me. Ex in laws could have done more but chose to support their son and not the grandsons. I was brought up with my 2 sisters by my mum as dad died when I was 6yrs olsd. Like my mum never complained about what a hard life she had neither did I. I went out to work but benifits were stopped pound for pound if I earnt more than �15 a week, what incentives are there for people to go out to work when benifits now are more than the average person earns. In the paper the other day was a story about a couple who were on benefits getting OVER �31,000 A YEAR . Whats that all about.
                        You rant all you like OWG.
                        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                        and ends with backache


                        • #27
                          You rant away love if it makes you feel better.

                          Can only echo what the the others have said really.
                          Kirsty b xx


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