Nah, Brengirl, stay up with the rest of us morons and enjoy the company!! One of the rules of the vine is that you can talk tosh and only a few grapes will complain - and they are the ones that get censured, not us tosh talkers!!
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How to delete a thread
Originally posted by Brengirl View PostNot at all. In a foolish and weak moment I became moronic. Then I realised I was talking a complete load of tosh and wanted retract it that's all. I am at the moment so embarrassed I am going to bed.
Brengirl, I've 'lifted' your other thread, I hope that's ok.
May I make a suggestion? If you have any little hiccups or queries like that, it really is best to send a private message to one of us Mods, and then we can sort it out without a lot of hoo-haa
Originally posted by Brengirl View PostI realised I was talking a complete load of tosh and wanted retract it that's all.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Originally posted by SlugLobber View PostNo further input re: deleting threads. Just a message to Nicos. Wake up and smell the coffee, hun. He's just not interested in you. Honestly, can't you take a hint?
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Originally posted by HotStuff View PostBren, you're not alone, I sometimes think my PC should be fitted with a breathalyser
Originally posted by Brengirl View PostHit the nail on the head Hotstuff. Under normal circumstances I am a very level headed person. That said, there is also, what I consider to be the real me, trapped inside by convention. Alcohol, I think, releases the exhibitionist in me. I am not sure whether I want to be breathalized. I enjoy the freedom from constraint.
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