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BFPO Threat of Closure


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  • #16
    Bernie hopping MAD!
    How dare they?! Thanks to Snowdrop I learnt about the parcels scheme and have used it lots to send out parcels. How dare they? Take a look at the supportoursoldiers website and others - they are a VITAL link from us here at home to those serving abroad to let them know how much we appreciate what they are doing!
    Sorry - rant over......
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


    • #17
      Does anyone know how I can email this link to everyone else I know? Soz guys and gals, bit thick on the 'tinternet knowledge, but would like to email everyone I know to get them to sign up too. Anything we can do on faceache?
      Bernie aka DDL

      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


      • #18
        Signed, penny pinching in the extreme


        • #19
          BFPO is our lifeline when hubby is away at sea, because as soon as they are anywhere"sensitive" all phone calls and emails are stopped, with a letter you re-read it.


          • #20
            Signed. Our 'governors' are sooo flipping mean spirited it makes me want to spit.

            Yesterday I heard a MOD chap asking people not to send parcels to service personnel who aren't known to them because "it delays the delivery of service families' mail and parcels".

            Today I heard that service personnel have Council Tax deducted from their salary for their base and mess accommodation AND their registered home although they might only have to pay 50% of their registered home (treated as a 2nd home) CT unless and until they are sent overseas, in which case they have to pay ALL of their CT with immediate effect

            Meanwhile MPs are whinging that they can no longer charge for employing a cleaner for their 2nd home on which they presumably also reclaim their bloody Council Tax!
            If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing to excess


            • #21
              Ending BFPO? I would have said that it is unbelievable, but on reflection it isn't
              My family have been staunch Labour supporters for generations - my Grandfather was in The Clydeside Soviet, and I have always voted Labour apart from a brief affair with the Greens in the 1980s. There was no - one happier than me when Tony Blair got in with that landslide victory in 1997.
              But since then I have become very disappointed. I don't think I could bring myself to vote BNP or even Conservative, but I am most unlikely to vote for Labour again
              I'll probably join everybody else in reducing the percentage of votes cast compared to the actual electorate. i.e., not bother
              And so back to BFPO. I've never used it but I can see that it would be so important to those who do, and the cost compared to things like MP's expenses would be so small
              And we should know by now that whenever politicians, from local councillors to MPs are considerig a proposal, the decision has already been made, and any kind of discussion or consultation is merely cosmetic


              • #22
                Originally posted by TheGirlsMum View Post
                BFPO is our lifeline when hubby is away at sea, because as soon as they are anywhere"sensitive" all phone calls and emails are stopped, with a letter you re-read it.
                Ain't that the truth - the times I picked up the mobile to text Snowdrop over the last few months before remembering he ain't got it with him makes ya feel even more remote from them


                • #23
                  I've signed the petition too. Although, reading the petition's wording, it looks like they're closing the BFPO offices in Europe, rather than scrapping the whole BFPO thing altogether. Still very, very, wrong - our forces stationed in Europe are surely every bit as important as the ones in the Middle East!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                    ... Although, reading the petition's wording, it looks like they're closing the BFPO offices in Europe,
                    true - but knowing our Government, this is the intro to the total closure! Cynic, me?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                      true - but knowing our Government, this is the intro to the total closure! Cynic, me?
                      Very true - see if they get away with this, and then steam-roller the rest They may not be in office long enough for that


                      • #26
                        Sad to hear that they are asking us not to send Christmas shoeboxes because they will delay the families' post - I got really involved with this and still have 5 boxes for the post office tomorrow. Not sure what to do now!
                        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                          Sad to hear that they are asking us not to send Christmas shoeboxes because they will delay the families' post
                          Please DON'T believe them, it is rubbish - ALL parcels get through. If, however, you have a name to send to, as we did with Snowdrop (and i can give you a name if you need one), it does help move things along.

                          But please don't let that stop you, parcels DO get through and are received with such thanks that would make your eyes water


                          • #28
                            Our Guide pack have taken on the challenge of Xmas boxes for those of our soldiers who will be in Afganistan over Christmas.

                            Got any advice what to put in - other than the amazingly basic list of requirements the govenment gives!

                            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


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