When I was a little girl many, many moons ago I heard someone use the name 'Fanny Fanackapan' (sp? and I hope it wasn't rude) and thought this was the funniest thing ever (as only a four year old would), after that my dad used to call me that to make me laugh. It eventually got shortened to 'Fan' and lasted quite a few years although I didn't still fall over laughing by this time. Then when I was in my early twenties my first neice couldn't get her tongue round the name Elizabeth so called me Fizz; it stuck within the family. My ex husband used to call me Elvis; this arose when I was in hospital for a while and couldn't get up to wash my hair which soon became a greasy quiff.
Identity crisis? Nah, I'll stick with Lizzy!
Identity crisis? Nah, I'll stick with Lizzy!