Last night a group of 18 of us went out for a meal, My four sons and partners, my daughter and partner, friends of my eldest son and my ex and partner. At the end of the meal my eldest son produced a birthday cake for his girlfriend, we all sang Happy Birthday and as she looked at it and what did it say....... WILL YOU MARRY ME she was totaly shocked. He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him, I am so pleased and she said yes. She was crying so much, neither of her parents were able to come so she went to ring them and they already knew as my son had phoned her dad to ask him, more tears from her. I was crying as well.
I dont know when the wedding will be, as long as they give me time to save up lol.
I wish them both all the very best for the future, I never thought it would happen.
I dont know when the wedding will be, as long as they give me time to save up lol.
I wish them both all the very best for the future, I never thought it would happen.