I have just had this via email - text reproduced here:

Garden Organic Ryton,
Coventry, CV8 3LG
Tel: (024) 7630 3517
Fax: (024) 76639229
www.gardenorganic.org.uk Garden Organic Urgent Appeal 2009
Today I am contacting you to appeal to your generosity � with the hope that vital projects can avoid being shelved indefinitely. My request is a matter of real urgency, and to save postage costs, I have taken the unprecedented step of sending this message to you by email
Without our valued Members and supporters like you, many of our unique and considerable projects would never come to fruition. Our commitment to researching and promoting sustainable, innovative, and effective ways of growing remains undiminished � I very much hope your commitment remains as strong.
Despite the support of members, this years donations have been considerably lower than anticipated, leaving us facing a real financial challenge. Key sources of income have been badly affected by the economy; this has meant donations from trusts and companies have been significantly fewer.
As a result we have a shortfall of almost �100,000.
With this outcome I simply cannot see how we can complete all our planned initiatives. We may have to make some hard choices.
Garden Organic is a unique organisation, and one that we are all rightly proud to be a part of, none more so than myself. Our existing projects like the Heritage Seed Library, our demonstration gardens, and work with schools, all play important roles in safeguarding our environment for future generations. Your support has really helped us pass valuable knowledge and experience to organic growers across the UK.
As we come towards our year-end, it is a time for making really tough decisions on whether or not we can afford to fund projects that, through the ingenuity and forethought of Garden Organic, could positively change horticultural practices. With the surge of public interest in �growing your own�, and the real need to help protect and cultivate the long-term sustainability of our environment, our position has never been more relevant, or desperately needed. It�s a very painful dilemma.
We must make our decisions by the end of December, so please if you can make a donation today.
However, if for any reason you are unable to help at the moment, I remain extremely grateful for all you have done already. Whatever your decision, I would like to sincerely thank you for your on-going support.
With my very best wishes,
Myles Bremner
Chief Executive
P.S. If you know of anyone who is passionate about sustainable growing, and may wish to support Garden Organic with its work please forward this email on.

Garden Organic Ryton,
Coventry, CV8 3LG
Tel: (024) 7630 3517
Fax: (024) 76639229
www.gardenorganic.org.uk Garden Organic Urgent Appeal 2009
Today I am contacting you to appeal to your generosity � with the hope that vital projects can avoid being shelved indefinitely. My request is a matter of real urgency, and to save postage costs, I have taken the unprecedented step of sending this message to you by email
Without our valued Members and supporters like you, many of our unique and considerable projects would never come to fruition. Our commitment to researching and promoting sustainable, innovative, and effective ways of growing remains undiminished � I very much hope your commitment remains as strong.
Despite the support of members, this years donations have been considerably lower than anticipated, leaving us facing a real financial challenge. Key sources of income have been badly affected by the economy; this has meant donations from trusts and companies have been significantly fewer.
As a result we have a shortfall of almost �100,000.
With this outcome I simply cannot see how we can complete all our planned initiatives. We may have to make some hard choices.
Garden Organic is a unique organisation, and one that we are all rightly proud to be a part of, none more so than myself. Our existing projects like the Heritage Seed Library, our demonstration gardens, and work with schools, all play important roles in safeguarding our environment for future generations. Your support has really helped us pass valuable knowledge and experience to organic growers across the UK.
As we come towards our year-end, it is a time for making really tough decisions on whether or not we can afford to fund projects that, through the ingenuity and forethought of Garden Organic, could positively change horticultural practices. With the surge of public interest in �growing your own�, and the real need to help protect and cultivate the long-term sustainability of our environment, our position has never been more relevant, or desperately needed. It�s a very painful dilemma.
We must make our decisions by the end of December, so please if you can make a donation today.
However, if for any reason you are unable to help at the moment, I remain extremely grateful for all you have done already. Whatever your decision, I would like to sincerely thank you for your on-going support.
With my very best wishes,

Chief Executive
