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As you get older...


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  • #16
    Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post

    So, this weekend at Centre Parcs I'm going to go abseiling just to regain some youth that I appear to have dropped somewhere on my travels through life.
    Your not round our way again are you? (Centre Parcs near Sherwood Forest).

    Look out for the snow at the entrance. Looks quite realistic.
    It is the doom of man, that they forget.


    • #17
      Originally posted by snuffer View Post
      Your not round our way again are you? (Centre Parcs near Sherwood Forest).

      Look out for the snow at the entrance. Looks quite realistic.
      Yip indeed we are.

      It's getting to the point where the ladies at the entrance are addressing us by first names...

      Didn't spot you last time though.
      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

      What would Vedder do?


      • #18
        A comfy chair, my chickens to watch and of course, endless Vine-time!
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #19
          Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
          what do you appreciate more?
          I appreciate "me time", and time just to sit and do nothing.
          What about you?
          How old do you have to be to get that? I'm 60 in March next year, and still don't get much of it. Apart from my time on the Vine.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
            I have to disagree with you on this one, zazen (unprecedented!)
            My biggest problem is that I faff too much - always have. In fact, my biggest saying is "If I ever got organised, I'd be dangerous!"

            The worst thing about me is that someone gave me ideas beneath my station, to quote the great Terry Pratchett.
            Agree with you there Jeanied. But, I am yonks ahead of you and am still 'driven'. I drive my OH mad with plans for the future. If I am not planning I am asleep and more often than not I plan then also. I drink 'the vino' a lot in order to be able to switch off but does it hell. It inspires yet another notch.


            • #21
              Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
              I appreciate "me time", and time just to sit and do nothing.
              As I typed this in I thought, not long till they put me in a home - erm, Im only 47! LOL!
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #22
                Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
                what do you appreciate more?
                I appreciate "me time", and time just to sit and do nothing.
                I can't sit and do nothing, it's not in my nature. I wish it was.

                As I get older, I realise I can't please everyone all the time, so why should I even try? It just leads to disappointment.
                It's not as if anyone is always trying to please me !
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #23
                  For me it is the realisation that I am me and don't have to apologise for this. For years I was bullied at school and was made to feel like the most ugly person that ever walked the earth. Its now that i am approaching the grand old age of 32 that I can hold my head up and say "I am me! Accept it or get lost".

                  Now that I am old I can't bear crowds - went to the Good Food Show and couldn't bear the crowds. I have to confess that I did kick some womens trolley after falling over it for the 5th time (not as hard as i wanted to). I know I am bad!

                  Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
                  Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!


                  • #24
                    what do I appreciate most.....? Hmm, this is a great question to really get your brain cells working! First of all I came up with all the usual stuff (family growing up, etc, etc, etc) but then I sat quietly (unusual) for a few moments and realised that it is being loved and accepted.....

                    I dont think I actually felt either when i was younger (even though i was) but now because i have allowed myself to, i can be ME! and being ME let's me be a little bit selfish and do things that are important to me; like growing my veg, making my preserves, riding my horses....all without guilt!

                    and in a strange way everyone around me seems a bit happier too! how strange....

                    i was diagnosed with 'superficial basal cell cancer' this afternoon and am to have some kind of chemotherapy treatment for the next 6 weeks and yet, i feel fine about it all. looked it up on the hinternet and it is unlikely to kill me apparently, so i just went out and visited my pal for a coffee and a blether.....not so long ago i would have a nervous breakdown at the very mention of the "C" word....


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Sprocket* View Post
                      For me it is the realisation that I am me and don't have to apologise for this. For years I was bullied at school and was made to feel like the most ugly person that ever walked the earth. Its now that i am approaching the grand old age of 32 that I can hold my head up and say "I am me! Accept it or get lost".

                      Now that I am old I can't bear crowds - went to the Good Food Show and couldn't bear the crowds. I have to confess that I did kick some womens trolley after falling over it for the 5th time (not as hard as i wanted to). I know I am bad!
                      Karen, I do not believe that at the ripe old age of 32 you are resigned to be anything. Get off your backside and go get!!


                      • #26
                        I appreciate QUIET when the children are in bed. Somtimes OH and me just sit there in the near dark and I will say ' can you hear that?' and he says 'hear what?' and I say 'exactly.....'

                        I love them dearly but am getting too old to stand the noise!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Scottishnewbie View Post
                          i was diagnosed with 'superficial basal cell cancer' this afternoon and am to have some kind of chemotherapy treatment for the next 6 weeks and yet, i feel fine about it all. looked it up on the hinternet and it is unlikely to kill me apparently, so i just went out and visited my pal for a coffee and a blether.....not so long ago i would have a nervous breakdown at the very mention of the "C" word....
                          Well done you Scottishnewbie - just keep it positive and all will be well! You have a very good prognosis - so you just gotta keep going! It is all worth it in the end.
                          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                          • #28
                            I really appreciate the quiet peacefulness of our small island (was the world always such a noisy place?) - reading and snoozing in the afternoon without feeling guilty about it - not being expected to be doing something all the time, and not expecting it of myself.
                            I recently found this poem:

                            I am no longer eager, bold and strong.
                            All that is past:
                            I am ready not to do
                            At last, at last,
                            My half day's work is done
                            And this is all my part,
                            I give a patient God
                            My patient heart.

                            I think it will be a good few years before this really applies to me, but even now I recognise the feeling!


                            • #29
                              I really appreciate using my bus pass! I got to 40 = disaster, I really went into a decline! 50 = not a lot better! 60 = I couldn't wait. Kids have all left home so it's just my wife and myself - great! The only trouble is, it now takes me all night to do what I used to do all night!

                              "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


                              • #30
                                I like the fact that I am comfortable being me - rather than always wishing I was someone else, as I did in my earlier years.

                                I don't worry (overly) what people think of me, having said that I do like to be liked but I don't think I'm unusual in that.


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