Today I sigbed up for the British Gas "energy smart" account where you supply meter readings monthly and only pay for what you use.
Whilst online I noticed we had built up a big credit and so called in. The upshot is that after supplying a meter reading the account was brought up to date and we have been credited with �310.95. A tidy sum for Christmas.
With this in mind, it may be worth whilst you peeps checking your gas and electricity accounts and geting back some dosh for Christmas.
Right, time to log onto the Eon site!
Whilst online I noticed we had built up a big credit and so called in. The upshot is that after supplying a meter reading the account was brought up to date and we have been credited with �310.95. A tidy sum for Christmas.
With this in mind, it may be worth whilst you peeps checking your gas and electricity accounts and geting back some dosh for Christmas.
Right, time to log onto the Eon site!